A letter to the reader

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My dear reader

I don't think I need to remind you how challenging life can be. I don't know who you are or how your life is or what any of your passions may be but I do know this. We all have different circumstances and battles that we fight in silence and that's okay. I just want you to know that I care about you and I respect what you are going through. Keep pushing because they are better days coming. 

I write this in hope that you may listen, though our struggles may be different I just want you to know that I struggle too and it's okay to feel defeated as long as you find the strength to get up again and go on with your life. It's okay to take time away and process things because although your world might end today briefly things will go from falling apart to falling back together.

 My struggle was love, learning to love myself, learning to love life and learning to accept things when the one I assumed I loved most left. I just wish someone told me that one day the love i gave would come back to me in full and although learning to love and accept things was going to be a challenge I was going to get there eventually. Now when I struggle I tell myself tomorrow will be a wonderful day and even if it's not I keep on saying it because eventually it will be wonderful.

I hope you read this and feel okay and know that I understand what you are going through and perhaps this could be your survival guide or maybe even a letter you read to find comfort. Whatever it may be to you I just wanted to remind you to take your time to work things out and heal, often the scars we avoid acknowledging are the ones that cause us the most problems. We've all been taught that scars are merely reflections our skin but the truth is we could also have scars within so just take your time to heal and know that you will be alright.

Much love

A.U Thandeka 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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