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* Riku opens a portal and they all enter to Agrabah*
Hailey: God its so warm!
Aladdin: Hey there freinds need help?
Riku: Hey, have you saw my boyfreind Sora?
Aladdin: Did he have a ponytail?
Riku: Yep.
Aladdin: He's with Jasmine the apple of my eye. Oh by the way I'm Aladdin and this is my pet monkey Abu.
Hailey: Nice to meet you, I'm Hailey and this is Riku.

Meanwhile in the Palace
Sora: Wow its wonderful in her Jasmine and oh has my outfit changed?
Jasmine: Yes
* All of a sudden the sulten rushes in and grabs both Jasmine and Soras hand*
The sultan: You two should be finding partners soon.
Jasmine: I already have Aladdin and he's got Riku.
The Sultan: Oh yes I forgot.
* All of a sudden a dark figure appeared behind Sora and pulled his hands behind his back*
Jasmine: Jafar!
The sultan: Let him go!
Jafar: No! He is going to be mine!
* Jafar said as he pointed his staff at The Sultan*
The sultan: Sora will marry Jafar.
* The sultan said clearly under mind control and hearing this Jasmine ran out of the castle to find Aladdin.
Jasmine: Aladdin!
Aladdin: Jasmine!
Jasmine: Riku Jafars got Sora!
Riku: What!?
Jasmine: He said something about making Sora his.
* At this Riku and Hailey rush over to the Palace to save Sora*

* Sora wakes up to find his hands chained to the wall*
Sora: Let me go!
Jafar: No way! I'm gonna make that Riku suffer by making you my wife*
* Jafar said while grasbing Soras face*
Sora: No I'm not going to marry you!
Jafar: Oh you will, Genie! I wish that Prince Sora was in love with me.
Genie: Oh no!
* At that moment, Genie caught his eyes on Riku and issued him forward*
Riku: Let go of my boyfreind!
Jafar: No! Actually Genie I wish to be an all powerful Genie.
* While Jafar made his wish Hailey freed Sora and they proceeded to try and run away*
Genie: Whatever you say master.
* Genie points his finger at Jafar and Jafar starts to grow*
Riku: Hailey get Sora out of here!
* But before Hailey can reply Genie Jafar picks up Hailey and Sora*
Jafar: So Riku who's more important to you? Your little freind or your boyfreind?
Riku: Both! Oh, and Jafar if you want to be a Genie you have to get everything that comes with!
* At that point Jafar drops Sora and Hailey and falls into a lamp that Riku throws across the desert*
* Riku catches Sora in his arms and Hailey on his back*
Riku: Genie I wish for your freedom.

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