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For those who are wondering why I do not consider the sequel to Okami Canon, this is for you.

I am a massive fan of Okami, I've played the original and the remaster, both I adore, have also played the sequel, Okamiden... And let me tell you, the clue is literally in the name, Mid... That is how I felt about this sequel, it is essentially just the entire first games story again but with the main characters as the kids of the original main cast of characters from the original game... No one likes sequels that are just about your favorite characters kids instead of your favorite characters, I was expecting a New journey into the celestial plains!

Not the Air Bud puppy sequels in game form! They also changed the entire lore of the original final villain, and contrary to popular belief, I think that the final villain of Okami is perfectly fine the way it is, while yes they might not be foreshadowed at the very beginning of the game, they are foreshadowed in the litteral second act out of 5 acts by Ninetails, I love how they didn't really spoil much about the final boss until the 5th act, but unfortunately a lot of people seem to forget about the early foreshadowing and just consider Yami an ass pull, last minute villain, despite the fact that, that isn't correct at all!

So in order to show my appreciation for I consider to be an amazing boss, (Yami, not the sequels name for it, Akuro, that name and design can both burn in hell!) I am making a book dedicated to two of my favorite things, Yami and Naruto! I hope you enjoy this book and please don't bring up any material that was created for the sequel, because in my eyes, it doesn't exist!

So please enjoy what is undoubtedly my personal favorite of all my work, made by my deepest passion!

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