siren hybrid history

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 author note: hello every one! would you like some relaxing music? it's up there and it kind a fit's the story :D

once there where only two different sirens in all the sky's and seas
sky sirens and sea sirens they never spoke or befriended some of them didn't even know the other exicted at all.

but one day a sky siren humming bird fell from a cloud at a young age humming bird was of royalty of the sky kingdom and she fell straight down into the ocean where she met a sea siren named tide wave or tide for short.

tide the same age as her held her up onto a rock and saved humming birds life keeping her safe from the many dangers in the oceans.

years after tide wave saved humming bird they have grown from strangers to friends to lovers.

unknowing to them they were going to make history they were going to do what all has said was impossible they were going to make siren hybrids.

humming bird~ humming bird! come here I have something to tell you come here!

*tide said she was really excited to tell humming bird her own girl friend that she laid eggs*

*humming bird fly's down and locks her purple eyes with tides yellow ones*

yes tide what are you so excided about? you'll make me worried if you don't tell me tide

*humming bird said putting her hand on tides face tide wave blushes*

*humming bird said putting her hand on tides face tide wave blushes*

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w-well humming birds we have eggs now three of them!

*tide said with excitement she looked at humming bird but humming bird didn't seem as excited*

tide. you are a sea siren and I am a sky siren you have no idea what will come out of those eggs! it could be some horrible monster that will destroy us all! we need to get rid of them because if it's not that then my kingdom will want to take them and it could cause a big war!

*humming bird ranted in anger*

*tide didn't understand she wanted to kill them!? they were just laid this is madness!*

we can't just killed them! come on you would never kill eggs that isn't like you!

*tide said agently still in shocked at humming bird*

it's to risky we might get hurt you might get hurt! I can't handle that! I would rather die then see you hurt!

*humming bird said in despair*

please humming bird give them a chance please! please! please!

*tide said disparate she really didn't want to give these egg's up humming bird sigh's she know's she can't talk tide out of this*

fine but don't say I never warned you we will have to find out

*humming bird said she was looking at tide her purple eye's shined like purple gold at her*

thank you humming bird thank you! thank you!! thank you!!! I'll show you the nursery! come with me!

*she grabbed humming birds hand and lead her to three egg's inside a warm tunnel it seemed like a perfect place to put them*

*she grabbed humming birds hand and lead her to three egg's inside a warm tunnel it seemed like a perfect place to put them*

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what is with those marks?

*humming bird questions*

those are future marks they mean something important that will happen to them in the future

*tide claimed the rock looked like something humming bird saw before then she remembers! it was the rock she was on when tide saved her and met she blushed and smiled at tide*

tide you sure do know how to make me blush

*she chuckled then she is interrupted by the sound of crispy wood on the deep ocean seas a pirate ship*

tide! watch out! pirate's!

*humming bird said in shock shoving tide under the water's and she hide's behind the rock while covering the egg's with moss but it was to late the moss fall's down*

hey captain! look what we found! siren eggs!

*the seemingly captain looks at the egg's in awe and looks at the one with the flag on it*

let's take that one I've never seen one with those symbol's maybe they are special the other's would be a waste are time get that one

*they grab a net and throw it capturing the egg and pulling it onto there ship and they bail from the other egg's happy with there new prize humming bird and tide resurface and see one of there eggs were stolen*

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