Chapter 1: Ultimate Heaven Justice/Mono Twins

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Chapter 1: The Arrival of Ultimate Heaven Justice

In the dimly lit control room of an undisclosed location, Monokuma's crimson eye glowed with a mischievous spark. He had been dormant for far too long, and his thirst for chaos and despair had not waned one bit. It was time to continue his legacy, and there was no better place than the rumored "Angel's High School."

Monokuma: "Ah, it's been too long since I last caused some despair!" He chuckled to himself, adjusting his bowtie. "Time to reignite the flames of chaos!"

With a thunderous mechanical thud, Monokuma appeared on the rooftop of Angel's High School, sending tiles scattering in all directions. He stood atop a podium, a wicked grin stretched across his mechanical face.

Monokuma: "Ladies and gentlemen, students and staff, welcome to a once-in-a-lifetime despair-filled extravaganza!" His laughter echoed through the empty campus.

As Monokuma reveled in his grand entrance, two enigmatic figures emerged from the shadows. Mono Twin Lia, dressed in a pristine white suit with angelic wings embroidered on her jacket, approached Monokuma, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

Mono Twin Lia: "Well, well, what do we have here? A bear with a thirst for despair, it seems."

Monokuma turned his attention to her, his single red eye narrowing in amusement.

Monokuma: "You must be one of the infamous Mono Twins, Ultimate Heaven Justice, correct?"

Lia nodded, her expression unreadable. "Indeed, and my brother and I are here to put an end to your reign of despair."

As Lia spoke, Mono Twin Leo, her identical counterpart, emerged beside her, his demeanor just as stoic. The Mono Twins had a reputation for being the ultimate weapons against Monokuma, and their arrival sent a shiver down his mechanical spine.

Mono Twin Leo: "Monokuma, your despair-inducing antics won't be tolerated any longer. Prepare to face the consequences."

Monokuma chuckled again, seemingly unbothered by their threat.

Monokuma: "Oh, how delightful! This is going to be a thrilling showdown. But wait, there's more!" He gestured toward the entrance of the school, where a group of fifty students had gathered, each wearing their unique uniforms and bearing a sense of trepidation.

Ultimate Heaven Jury: "We are the Ultimate Heaven Jury," one of the students announced. "Our mission is to ensure justice and protect the students of Angel's High School from the likes of you, Monokuma."

The stage was set, and the battle for despair and justice was about to begin. As the Mono Twins, Ultimate Heaven Jury, and Monokuma faced off, the fate of Angel's High School hung in the balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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