~the beginning The end~

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     Newts pov

   I saw a flash of light and before I knew it I was turning around to fight to fight my best friend I couldn't do it but I soon realized I wasn't in charge of my own body Thomas looked at me with sorrow in his eyes then before I realized I was running, running right at him I jumped onto him taking him down to the ground trying to bite him and hurt him I couldn't let my self soon I was against a wall screaming with one last trembling light of reality I scream "TAKE IT! TAKE IT TOMMY!" I scream while holding the vile I always have around my neck "please tommy please" I say " TAKE IT TOMMY PLEASE" I yell once more he takes it from me then once again I punch at him we are standing he's trying to keep me up making sure I don't get hurt again I realize that if this goes on any longer the virus will take me completely the last thing I hear is his heart beating then I take the knife in my hand and stab it through my heart I feel myself drown and fall to the ground before it goes black. The last thing I remember saying to myself was " I'm only 16"

Thomas pov

He hits the floor after he stabs himself I crumble to the floor my hands gripped tightly around the vile " I love you with my body heart and soul to death" I whisper to him as I see the life drain from his body I stare at his lifeless body a few tears falling from my face I realize I have to go I have to kill Ava page minho and Brenda get there with the cure minho and Brenda's eyes welled with pain and sorrow I leave my best friend with them to find Ava page I feel so terrible I don't want to leave him I don't want to but it has to be done.

Brenda's pov

I rush back with the cure in hand and minho a little ahead of me when I reach them I see a body laying on the ground a lifeless body soon I realize it's newt me and newt werent too good friends but I loved him soon enouoh I saw minho calapse to the ground tears rush to my eyes and soon minhos in desperate efforts to save him I stab the cure into his chest and start doing cpr before I know his chest goes up then down slowley me and minhos eyes fill with tears, happy tears " he's alive" minho whispers under his breath I quickly scrabble to my feet helping newt up with minhos help we get him back to the aircraft and put him in a separate room without anyone knowing.

Author notes

Hey y'all first chapter sorry if it's short and I'm so sorry for that but like yeah

Tommorow world(TDC newt X Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now