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Newt pov

I went back to sleep to get some rest when I woke up I heard a booming sound I sprung up hoping I wasn't dreaming of being alive hoping I wasn't still in the city I looked around as I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a hut that looked like the med hut in the glade I couldn't help but cry thinking about the happy memories I slowley started to stand but the second I was on my feet I collapsed back down to my bed I grabbed a stick that was near me and walked out of the hut to reveal a beautiful beach it was night time but they were having a bonfire just like at the glade no one was paying attention to me so I walked up to a tall rock there were names scratched into it I looked around for names I recognized until I came across a sentance at the top it said "the ones who didn't die for nothing" I slowley made my way down stopping at my own name "they still think I'm dead" I murmur to myself "what did you say?" A very familiar voice says I turn around to see tommy my best friend
"t-tommy?" I ask stuttering "h-how do you know that only my bestfriend called me that?" "Thomas it's me! It's newt" I said in a whisper yell I couod tell I didn't look the same as I did before "n-newt?! This isn't possible I-I watched you die" Thomas says looking down at his feet. "They saved me Brenda and minho" I say slowley walking twords him bringing him into a warm hug my tears slowley fall into his back I can tell he's crying too I can tell that he missed me. and I missed him too.

Thomas pov

I wake up in a cold sweat to find I'm in a hut one that looks just like the med hut I look beside me to find a rather short boy his face was drained of life his face was Pail and dropped he looked like he hasn't eaten in weeks "do you think he's dead" I whisper to myself "he's not he's just in a coma" I hear someone say behind me it felt like they said it very loudly my head was pounding I turned around and saw galley. "G-galley where is it? Where is it?" I say repeatedly "it's okay chill out. I'm not sure what your looking for but minho has a few thing he found laying around." Galley says to me backing up with his arms pushed out in front of him. The fact that he thinks I'm dangerous brings tears to my eyes I push past  him making sure he doesn't see the tears fall from my face I walk twords minho who quickly gets up and brings his arms out to give me a hug. He sits me down "here you had this on you when you passed out"  he passed me the metal vile that newt gave me before he died I opened it and inside was a small roll of papers I opened the paper it was a letter that read.

Dear Thomas,
This is the first letter I can remember writing. Obviously I don't know if I've written any letters before the Maze. But even if it's not my first, it's likely to be my last. I want you to know that I'm not afraid. Well not of dying anyways it's more forgetting, It's losing myself to this virus, that's what scares me. So every night I've been saying their names out loud. Alby, Winston, Chuck. And I just repeat them over and over like a prayer. And it all comes flooding back. Just the little things. Like when the sun used to hit the glade at the perfect moment, right before it'd slip beneath the walls. And I remember the taste of Frypans stew. I'd never thought I'd miss that stuff so much. and I remember you. I remember you first coming up in the box, just a scared little greenie, who couldn't even remember his own name. But from the moment you ran into the maze, I knew that I would follow you anywhere. And I have. We all have. If I could do it all over again I would, and I wouldn't change a thing. My hope for you is when your looking back, years from now, is that you'll say the same. The future is in your hands now Tommy, and I know you'll find a way to do what's right, you always have. Take care of everyone for me. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy, Thank you for being my friend.
Goodbye, Mate


Reading this letter made my heart beat and my eyes well with tears there was a lump in my throat. I stay with minho till it was time to light the fire I sat around it while the light slowley faded to the dark there were livs around the fire there was one particular log that caught my eye it was facing away from the fire I sat by it looking into the vast blue sea whenever I looked next to me I could see him I could see newt it was like he was there with me the memories came flooding back like when we sat down facing away from the fire that was the first time I tried galleys recipe for his drink I remember newt telling me to put some hair on my chest and passed me the drink god I never thought I'd miss the glade this much or maybe it wasn't the glade maybe it was just the memory of him of the way he would tell me what to do or how kind he was to me if only I could see him one last time if only He wouldn't have come with me instead of staying with galley. "God I miss him too much for this" I whisper to myself as I get up and walk over twords the rock I see the same boy who was in the med hut with me I can only see his back I slowley walk up to him his fingers hovering over newts name I hear him whisper something but I can't tell what he said "what did you say?" I ask he slowly turns around to face me his face still drained and his eyes look like they were filled with sadness "t-tommy?" He asked "how do you know that only my best friend called me that" I say tearing up "Thomas it's me! It's newt" the boy says his eyes welling with tears "n-newt" I say walking closer bringing him into a hug.

Author notes

HEY YALL I FINALLY MADE A LONG CHAPTER WORD COUNT IS 1175 HOPE UPU LIKE THIS PART (may or may not have cried writing the letter)

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