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that's all my life is. a boring routine that repeats each day.
sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep...work.
is it natural to feel this? everyday? am i supposed to feel bored? why do i feel bored in the first place? is that all life offers?..maybe everyone else's lives are boring too... and i'm not the only one. that sounds logical, right?
no, then we would've never understood the feeling of joy. right?
so then...i'm the only one who feels like this?....
i wasn't always this bored. like when i was younger.
i was always smiling and giggling and laughing..
so why did it stop? is happiness one time only? what am i doing wrong? am i living right?


Oh. i forgot about work.
where do i work again? uhhhh i think it's called.. raggedy...raggedy cafe.. why is it called that?.. i don't know.

You rise from your deep thinking, you haven't caught a wink of sleep last night. or the night before.
You don't really have a stable sleep schedule, you sleep during the day and work but never night. 

You lift the blanket off you, moving to slip away from the comfort of your bed as your feet make contact with the wooden floor below. it was an interesting design. like it was dragging out, it looked like a ghost getting sucked into the fire-y pits of hell if you had to use creativity.
To you it just looks like a penis.

You opened the door from your room and slowly walked out, dragging yourself to your destination-which was the bathroom.
You flicked the light switch on and slowly stripped yourself for a shower.
Felling the feeling of fucking lava pouring onto you.

When you were finished showering and washing the dirt off you, you changed into fresh, clean clothes and did your face.
You rinsed your face with water before noticing the bags under you eyes, honestly it didn't look pleasing but whatever.

You just can't seem to give enough pigs about it.


You ran to the train station as you were 10 minutes late, it arrives in 6 minutes so honestly you were probably not gonna make it.

Luckily, you got there just before the door was closing.
you slipped in at the last second and felt a little harsh tug from your skin.
it started to bleed a little but that doesn't matter, you quickly covered that with a band-aid.

Now, a 12 minute ride with absolute silence other than your music. great.


finally, you arrived at your work- which was a cafe located in the middle of the busy city. the bell rang as i walked inside to the cozy, warm atmosphere.
but it didn't feel that way to me, just felt like hard, cruel work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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