Chapter 4: Facing Fate

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Nicholas Narrates:

And then HE KISSED ME? The kiss went from being delicate and romantic to being passionate and necessitated. It was as if we needed each other's lips. Every kiss was more and more vibrant, but then I thought about Mia's threat and the fact that Connor was talking to her. All those thoughts made me push him away, but my desire to kiss him won me over, so I ran towards him. And I jumped in his arms. I was really enjoying the kisses that, for long I wanted to give him; in the middle of the kisses, I said 

N) Co-Connor, w-we have to stop I said while he was kissing me on the neck. If we keep on like this, I won't be able to control myself 

C) Please don't, don't control yourself, Nicky, he said, giving me kisses

N) I don't want to, but what if your mom comes in? What if you regret doing this? Think Connor, they can't know we like each other; I can't face that yet

C) Okay, Nicky, You're getting away this time but not the next one, he said with the naughtiest face I've seen; that face was going to drive me crazy in excitement, but I needed to control myself even if I wanted this as bad as Connor did 

N) I won't want to escape from you anyways, Connor, I said, joking

C) You better not because I won't want to stop again, he said with the same naughty face as before 

N) As I was leaving, Connor said

C) Wait!, I still need to explain the thing about Mia

N) Okay

C) That's not the Mia you're thinking about 

N) What do you mean? That is not Mia?

C) No silly, Her name is Miah (Mai-ah); she's my best friend from my old school

N) God, I'm so sorry, Connor; I just got so jealous and upset                                   

C) It's okay Nicky. Wait, did you just say you were jealous? He said laughing 

N) Oh god, it just slipped out. I'm sorry

C) Do you like me, Nicky? Do you like the way I kiss you? He said, giving me a delicate kiss. Do you like it when I hug you?

N) I was perplexed by his words, but before I could answer, I got a call from my mom saying that she was waiting for me outside. I told Connor, and he came with me to the door. Bye Connor, I said 

C) Bye beautiful, remember you won't get away from it next time. He said with the same naughty face and tone he had been using all day 

N) I got in my mom's car after saying goodbye to Connor. Hey, mom, I said

NM) Hey honey,  did you have fun?

N) Oh god, yes, I said, thinking about the kiss he had given me earlier 

NM) That's fantastic, honey. Oh, and by the way, there is a package for you waiting at the house

N) A package? for me? It was weird to me because I hadn't ordered a package recently

NM) Yes honey! It's apparently a gift from a girl named Mia, is she your girlfriend?

N) When she said her name, I thought about her threat. Why would she send me any gifts, Mum! We're just friends, I said annoyed 

NM) God, Nicholas you haven't dated anyone for months. I'm getting worried now. 

N) Whatever, Mom. We arrived home, and as my mom said, a package was waiting for me next to the door. I grabbed the package, went upstairs to my room, and opened it. There were two bears in the box as well as a letter, one with no head and one with a head; they both were in a plastic bag. I opened both of them, and the letter said

N) More than scared, I was mad; why couldn't I love Connor just because of the childish thoughts of a simple girl? I think it is unfair, but I have no choice but to ignore Connor, no matter how much I love him

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N) More than scared, I was mad; why couldn't I love Connor just because of the childish thoughts of a simple girl? I think it is unfair, but I have no choice but to ignore Connor, no matter how much I love him

(Next Morning)

Connor Narrates:

I've texted Nick all day and yesterday, but he didn't answer; I'm scared something happened to him, or maybe he is mad about something I did. I arrived at school at 7:00 a.m. and went to my homeroom class. When I came in, Nick had changed his seat away from me; it was so hurtful for me to stop talking to him for no reason. I tried multiple times to speak to him, but he acted as if he didn't listen. At the end of class, I grabbed his hand and brought him to the bathroom without saying anything. Why are you ignoring me? I said in a hurt tone.

N) Connor, I don't want to talk to you anymore he said as if I was bothering him

C) BUT WHY? WHY NICHOLAS? I said crying 

N) Co-Connor, p-please don't yell at me he said with his voice breaking into sadness

C) But why Nicholas? I know we love each other I know you love me I said, crying

N) No Connor I don't he said with tears

C) So if you don't love me, why are you crying? I also said in tears. Tell me, my love, what is wrong I said with hope

N) Connor, I can't, I can't risk it

C) Nicholas, I promise you I'm going to protect you; I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you

N) Okay he said, taking a deep breath, Mia......(To be continued)

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