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I felt numb. My whole body was heavy and even trying to move my fingers nearly brought me to exhaustion. I could hear everything going on around me but I couldn't move. My eyes refused to open and my body was aching. It was a dull ache. One that wouldn't stop no matter what I did. I had guessed that after whoever had found me took me to the hospital because of the voices of the professionals I heard.

"Mr. Styles do you know her name?" someone asked.

 "No sir. I call her sapphire because of her eyes though. I don't know what her name is" Harry sounded devastated. That made me feel like someone ripped out my heart.

 "Her name is Sapphire Jackson. I found some old fractures indicating that she was abused as a child." the unknown voice said again. "what? she was abused?!" Harry sounded angry.

I want to know why. I ignored the voices and focused on moving my hand. I needed to move it. I needed to get even a twitch out of it. I wanted to move. I was focusing all my energy on moving my hand and finally, finally I felt my hand move and all the voices ceased.

"Dr. price did you see that?" I heard nialls Irish accent.

"yes I did. she moved her hand" Dr price said.

 I felt someone grip my hand and squeeze it. "come on love. wake up." Harry whispered next to my ear.

I need to wake up. I need to. My mentality depended on it. 

I wanted to see Harrys bright green eyes and messy Brown curls. I wanted to hear Niall's Irish accent with clarity again and see Zayn's tatoos and Liam's friendly smile and Louis' crazy way of dressing.

I wanted to talk to them but I haven't talked for years. Maybe when I wake up I can. "Come on Sapp wake up!" That was Louis everyone was shouting for me to wake up but I couldn't. My whole world was dark but I decided to try and open my eyes.


was trying so hard and finally one opened and then the other.

"Guys shes awake!!" Harry shouted and then everything faded into black.

finding my voiceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang