Chapter 3: Anger

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Song of the Chapter: Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish

(Enoch's POV)

"Creepy..." Millard said. I wanted to claw his throat out, what the hell is wrong with him? I could feel Janna's leg shaking against mine. "Millard!" I yelled, "What the hell?!" My words were laced with anger and disgust. Everyone was staring at me, except for Janna, who was staring at her plate, her whole body was shaking and no one had noticed. Millard began to stutter, "I-i-i just..." I had never felt like this before, I had never wanted to protect someone like this. "You just need to shut up!" I yelled at Millard. I pushed my chair back and stood up, "C'mon Janna." I took Janna's hand and she looked up at me, tears in her eyes. I helped her up and pulled her out into the yard, I don't think my sad, gloomy, dust-covered basement would be comforting.

I walked her over to the big tree that we had build the swing on, we sat down under the tree and she started sobbing, it was the same sobbing I had heard last night before bed, that was her... I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, "Shhh" I cooed. I had never comforted someone before, hopefully this was helping. She was sitting on her knees, in front of me, I gently grabbed her wrists, "Hey, come here..." I pulled her arms away from her puffy eyes and she laid her head on my chest. I flinched at the sudden movement, but that was nothing new. I wrapped my arms around her and let her wrap her arms around me and cry into my shirt. I heard the back door open, I looked up, Jacob. I shot him a defensive look and mouthed, 'no', he didn't listen. Jacob marched over to us. I pulled Janna closer. "Leave." I said calmly but with traces of anger. "No," Jacob said matching my tone. Janna's breath was shaky neither of us wanted Jacob here. "Leave." I repeated but more forcefully. Jacob stood his ground, "She's my sister." His argument was weak. "And? you barely know her" I said, I also barely knew the blue eyed, brunette girl, that clung onto me but it didn't feel that way, it felt like I had know her my whole life, she understands me and I understand her. Jacob walked away angrily. It was just after lunch so about 2pm.

"Enoch?" I heard the familiar sweet voice. "yes?" I asked. "thank you" she smiled. I wiped her tears. If Horace would have told me a few days ago that I'd be dancing, hugging, kissing, and comforting a girl I had feelings for, I wouldn't have believed it but here I am. I kissed Janna's forehead. Am I in love with her? Am I in love with Janna? yes but isn't it to early for any of that? no, it's not.

(Janna's POV) 

Enoch wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead causing me to blush, he was so kind and gentle. He was nothing like how Grandpa Abe described, he was the exact opposite. I let go of Enoch and stood up, I offered Enoch my hand and he took it. I helped him up and gave him a hug. I don't know why Millard's words had effected me so negatively, but Enoch made me feel better. Enoch and I walked into the house, hand in hand. 

We walked through the kitchen, past the dining room and up the stairs, ignoring everyone, even Miss Peregrine who had tried to get us to return to the meal. Enoch and I sat at the top of the stairs and I smiled. I closed my eyes and let my head fall onto Enoch's shoulder, he laid his head onto of mine, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. Just being close to Enoch was enough for me. I could hear at least three peoples worth of footsteps walking up the stairs, greattt, Enoch's going to pull away from me any second now, no, he won't. I had totally forgotten about my ability, my second conscience. I kept my eyes closed as I heard the footsteps stop in front of Enoch and I. I felt Enoch lift his head from mine. 

I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. Jacob, Emma, Millard, and Claire all stood on the steps in front of us. "What?!" Enoch said, he was angry, angry that the moment was ruined? yes. I felt Enoch's grip on my waist tighten, his grip wasn't not painful but instead protective. I looked at Jacob, "Why?" I asked. "Why what?" He asked. "Why must you ruin everything? Why don't you listen? Why do you get in the way?" My words became filled with anger and sadness. "What do you mean?" Jacob asked. I stood up, "If YOU had just listened to Abe he'd still be here!" I streamed in his face, tears flowing down my cheeks. "WHAT DID HE SAY OVER THE PHONE? STAY AWAY!" I slapped Jacob across the face. "He ran off to protect us because you said, 'We'll be right there'." I said the last bit in a mocking tone, realization washed over Jacob's face but it was not peaceful. "Oh and for ruining everything? Abe turned to ME, he told ME to find the bird, NOT YOU! I've made a friend here! To everyone else I'm just Jacob's Sister!" Tears where now streaming down my face, my words rattled through the house. "I HATE BEING JUST YOUR SISTER! I'M JANNA PORTMAN FOR GODS SAKE! I'M THE GRANDDAUGHTER OF ABE PORTMAN, HOLLOW HUNTER!" I pressed my finger against Jacob's chest, he looked terrified. I then turned to Millard, "You need to watch your nasty mouth!" I than turned to Emma and smirked, "I could say so much about you. You're a traitor." I pushed past Jacob to Claire, "And Claire, you are amazing." I smiled, my tears seemed to stop. I could feel the air start to heat up, "Me!? A TRAITOR!?" Emma yelled at me. I turned to her, remembering the pictures in my shoe. I took of my shoe and took out the images, all of them where of Emma and Abe, "You like Jacob cause he looks like him." I threw the photos at her and she accidentally burned one while trying to catch it. I walked back up the stairs, to my room and slammed the door shut.

I threw myself onto my bed and sighed.

Our Odd Love (Enoch x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant