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"Mai wake up! you have school!"
"Huh.. mom go away.. I can go tomorrow." I say still in a deep sleep turning onto the opposite side, "Mai wake up your going to be late on your first day!" my mom yells. I quickly sit up and say "Okay okay I'm going.." rubbing my eyes as I was rudely interrupted of my sleep.

I get up from bed still not fully awake and not processing I'm going to a new school since I moved about a month ago to this small town for mom's work. I grab my uniform that luckily my mom ironed for me the day before, I quickly change and head to the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth. "Oh God.." I say mumbling to myself, I curl my hair and wipe my glasses lens clean. I put my glasses on and start shoving my supplies in my backpack this consists of a 5 subject notebook that'll probably be ripped and definitely overused on the last day of school, a pencil pouch with pens, pencils, and highlighters.

I head downstairs and fill up my hydro flask with ice cold water while I make my breakfast which is obviously waffles. My mom rushes out the door since she has to be at work by 6:30 she's a nurse.. by the way, She hands me a mini whiteboard that reads "First Day Of Highschool!" I groan loudly "Mom really?" She shushes me and forces me to pose for a picture, I see her big smile behind the camera, she kisses my cheek and quickly says "Bye honey! Have a great day!" she goes on her way as I wave her off.

I put my shoes on and I as hear the school bus pulling up in-front of my house I quickly grab my coat and backpack and make my way out. I get inside the bus giving the bus driver a gentle smile and sit in a seat next to a girl with ginger curly hair and freckles so visible they cover her whole face. She smiles at me and says "Good morning" "Good morning" I say and smile back "Are you new?" "Yeah.. I am." I hesitantly say thinking she'll laugh, "Oh! That's okay don't worry the school is nothing like the movies! Everybody minds there business." she laughs. I give her a warm smile "I'm Mai.." "Nice to meet you Mai! I'm Fern Webb." she says giving me a smile where I can see her dark green colored braces and her straight smile, I have a feeling this is going to be a nice year.. Oh boy was I wrong.

The school bus finally arrives at the school and wow it is nothing like the pictures online! I gasp so loud Fern tilts her head at me, "What's wrong?" "This school is humongous! Nothing like those pictures I seen." Fern laughs to herself "That's what every new kid says!" I laugh with her "I bet." still mesmerized about my new school. We walk inside and she shows me up to the office which is a see through glass window where I can see the office workers. "Hello, I'm Mai UnderGrove I'm new here and I'm here for my books, locker and schedule." The lady working upfront says "Oh hello darling! Welcome to Crestwood Heights Academy. We are so overjoyed to have you. Your locker number is 646 and here is your schedule honey!" "Thank you." I smile at her as I grab my things and walk over to Fern waiting for me.

Fern grabs my schedule and seems impressed "Wow you are intelligent.. Art World History? In freshmen year, sheesh you are a nerd!" She teased "Oh shush it's nothing really!" I tease back jokingly, The Bell Rings. "Well time for class." Fern groans as she complains on her way to class. I look around as I walk to over to my locker, it took me a long minute to figure the lock out but luckily it opened and I set my books and backpack inside and just grabbed the essentials as in a 5 subject notebook, my pencil pouch and my hydro flask. I look at my schedule and see my first period is AP English, Room 224 in Building C.

I take a look around and I notice the hallways are empty as everybody is in class by now I search for English then I finally see the sign above a class it reads "Room 224." I walk in and see a middle aged man with a book in his hand leaning against his desk and I see tons of eyes looking back at me he stares obviously judging and clears his throat "You are late young lady." I stutter but finally get the words out "I.. uh I'm new.." he raises one of his eyebrows and says "Mai UnderGrove?" "Correct." "Oh.. well I am Mr. Simmons Welcome to AP English, Go ahead and take a seat next to Owen." I look at the students and see a hand in the air raised by a handsome, brunette, student.

I take a seat next to him and set my black hydro flask on the desk and take my notebook and a pencil out when I feel someones eyes darted on me, I turn my head to the side next to me and see Owen staring straight at me. I notice his freckles and dimples that he doesn't even have to smile for them to be exposed.. He's beautiful. "Yes?" I say confused He stares at me for a minute then says "I need a pencil." "Oh, sure." I grab my pencil pouch and hand him a dark blue led pencil. "There you go." He takes it and begins to copy down the notes on the board "Not even a thank you.. How rude." I mumble to myself, surprisingly I hear him mumble under his breath "Thank you.." I smile feeling proud.

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