Chapter Nine: Reports

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Ryo's Apartment

  The sun was nearing its highest peak and its light was shining into the apartment room. There was a knock on Kokori's door, there wasn't an answer, her room was dead silent. "Kokori, wake up." Ren said, knocking on Kokori's door once more. There was rustling in her room, blankets were moving and the sheets were shifting and soon the door opened, Kokori was wrapped in her blankets as she opened up. "What?" Kokori said in a very irritated voice, the door was opened by a 45 degree angle. "We have to go out. We're low on groceries." Ren replied, opening the door more. "Don't wanna." Kokori replied back, moving against Ren's force and closing the door. "Kokori, please, don't make me drag you down to the grocery store." Ren said, keeping the door opened by a few millimeters. Kokori didn't answer for a while until she decided to make up her mind and opened up the door fully. "Fine, I'll get ready, just wait." Kokori said before shutting the door to change herself. Ren left the doorway and waited in the living room.

  After time passed, Kokori had herself ready, she went into the living room. Her hair was straightened, she had her usual clothing on, being her white jacket and red cargo pants. "Okay, let's go." Kokori said, picking up Ren from his collar, getting him on his feet. "Are you wearing a normal shirt?" Ren asked, walking towards the door with Kokori, "Nope! I'm wearing my sarashi!" Kokori replied, opening the door and leaving the apartment room. >God damn it.< Ren thought to himself as he closed the door, locking it before leaving it behind.


Gale Agency

  "So we have fingerprints now?" Rośe asked, looking at one of the pictures that was supplied with the files. "Yep! And we're currently going through who it is." Nelivia replied, looking happy that they were given more clues for their cases. Ryo was looking through other files, he was going over them pretty quickly, within just a few minutes he went through and stacked up about 42 files, each file having an average of 13 papers, containing in depth details, backgrounds and such. Nelivia looked over to the stack of files, she was a bit stunned to speak when she saw the pile, "Ryo, I think that's enough." Nelivia said as Ryo stacked up one more file, "Hm? Oh." Ryo said, seeing the pile of files. "I got sidetracked, sorry. Which case are we working on?" Ryo asked, taking the files and putting them back into their respective cabinets and categories. "We were quickly working on the assassination files." Rośe said, handing Ryo the file.

  He took it and looked over it, quickly reading the papers that were contained in the file. "Okay, got it." Ryo said, handing the file back to Rośe, "So, what are your theories on it?" Rośe asked, wondering what Ryo thought about it, "Well, it's the same as the others, nothing that interesting." Ryo responded, finding the files for the assassinations to be repetitive, "I see, well um.... What do you think of the targets that were y'know?" Rośe asked, she didn't find the reason for these assassinations, although the death-rate from X-Factor was unclear, it became even more unclear during the last weeks. The main three assassins were usually put on solo missions, but now it seems like they have been put to work together on recent assassinations. "Well, when it comes to assassins from X-Factor, they're hard to track down. But I think we can track their irregular movement." Ryo said, taking some of the pictures of the assassinations and the papers wording out what was done. "How so?" Nelivia asked, it piqued her interest, she wondered how Ryo found a way to track them down.

  "Well, first we need to know the warehouse of X-Factor and the assassinations. We can connect those two pieces. Although it's not going to be exact of course." Ryo explained his reasoning, or theory, whatever you want to call it. Nelivia put her hands on her face, she looked down, "Did I say something wrong?" Ryo asked, wondering why Nelivia did her actions. "No, you didn't, it's just that I never thought about doing this before." Nelivia replied, taking her hands off her face. "It is a smart idea." Rośe said, listening to Ryo's explanation, "God I'm getting old." Nelivia whispered to herself when she heard Rośe agree to Ryo's explanation. "Let's start with the most recent one." Rośe said, taking the papers out from the file she was holding. The three looked over it, it was in a small building, not far from Asahiyama. "I forgot it was close to Asahiyama." Rośe said, worried about the students that studied at Asahiyama. "It's unlikely their assassins would target students, besides, the distance is far," Ryo said, noting the distance between the building and the school. It was around 10 blocks between the two. "Even if those two reasons you said had a factor in it, it doesn't help how planned out and messy the scene was." Nelivia spoke, remembering the news she saw last night with her wife.

[HIATUS] Two Sides of the Same CoinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin