Chapter 9

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Changbin had been distant since the night Felix extorted a date out of him. Felix was so annoyed, he had thought the night went really well, that they left each other in a really good place with his heart even fluttering for Changbin. They had kissed so tenderly that night and since then Changbin had barely looked in Felix's direction let alone gave him any type of affection.

That's why Felix went to that frat party in the first place, to blow off steam. He and Changbin were in a rut and he was tired of the crime boss' hot and cold behavior.

Now it was time for them to go on an out of town trip and Felix prepared to make it a memorable one. He wasn't going to miss his opportunity to tease and entice Changbin. He was going to pull out all the stops, all the things he knew Changbin couldn't resist, in a desperate attempt to make him look in his direction.

He didn't know if it would work but he had to try because the truth was no matter how distant Changbin was, no matter how much he pushed him away and treated him like crap... Felix still wanted him.

Though he would sometimes get fed up with Changbin's aloof behavior, majority of the time he loved the cat and mouse game. He liked having to chase and seduce Changbin, it kept things interesting. But what he loved most of all was pushing Changbin to his breaking point, teasing him to the point he became desperate for Felix's body.

He loved how needy Changbin could get for him. It was an emotion that Felix aligned with love, and in Felix's mind, he didn't need to be loved, he just needed to be desired. And not to mention, their constant push and pull always ended with the hottest sex.

Of course a Changbin and Felix trip out of town for a billiards tournament never meant just Changbin and Felix. Changbin was the leader of a multifaceted crime operation, he had a whole entourage with him at all times, including his personal bodyguard Chan. But Chan wasn't just Changbin's bodyguard, there was much more to their story.

⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️
-Alcohol/Alcohol Abuse
-Drugs/Drug Dealing
-Child Abuse
-Blood/Injuries non-graphic descriptions
-Mentioned adult attempting to seduce a minor
-Mentioned non-explicit consensual underaged sex

They were childhood friends, growing up on the wrong side of the tracks together. They were neighbors and their parents were friends too, often dragging Changbin and Chan along to bars with them. That's where Changbin discovered his love of pool; he and Chan would play for hours as their parents drank until they passed out in the booths.

As they got older, they drifted apart slightly. Chan was determined to get out of their small town, make something of himself and Changbin had a different idea of what making a name for himself meant. Changbin started hustling pool at 14, tricking older men out of their money left and right.

Soon he was noticed by a very prominent and dangerous drug dealer that hung around the pool circuit. The man took a liking to him, seeing an untapped potential within him. And with Changbin growing up without a dad, in a toxic home with very little love, acceptance and affection, he thirsted for that approval, so he started selling for the man and it only snowballed from there.

Changbin told him all of his ideas to hustle pool on a wider scale and showed the man how there was a real market for it. Showed him that it was easy money if you had a few talented players and that a lot of money could be made above the table too in tournaments and competitions so it came with little risk to the man's empire.

The drug lord loved all of Changbin's ideas, especially after seeing first hand how much money Changbin was bringing him. He soon promoted Changbin through the ranks in his operation until he was the man's most trusted advisor. The man was killed a few years later during a dangerous deal with another powerful cartel leader and ended up leaving basically everything to Changbin.

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