Loki/Sylvie apocalypse nexus event.

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It is December 21 in 2012. The world is ending, as the Mayans predicted a long time ago, and Loki and Sylvie are standing in the middle of it all. They stand close together, so close they can feel eachother breathing, and look around at the end of the world. The population is in panic, screaming and yelling and running around like headless chickens, as though that's going to do anything. Loki and Sylvie stand calmly as they ready the Tempad so that they can leave just in time. They have a minute left before they have to leave. They turn their heads towards each other and nod. They subconsciously grab eachother's hand as they open a time portal door and step through just in time. They arrive at the time of the bubonic plague, far from civilization, and all that is near them is an old house, seemingly belonging to a peasant or a farmer, though why would they live this far from where they can get money to survive? They find a couple of rocks by a stream and both sit down, ready to jump back up at the slightest hint of a threat. Loki lets out a breath and laughs a little. "My plans don't usually involve so much running." He says to Sylvie, who laughs a little as well. "Then I guess we're the complete opposite." She replies. They both laugh a little, but quietly. A cold breeze goes through the air around them and they both shiver slightly. One of them conjures a green blanket and they both huddle under it, now closer than before. They both turn their head to the other and, wether it's because of the proximity or the adrenaline or something else, they kiss.

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