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It's night

Korok: *he's crying*

Kiri: *she's holding her baby and sitting on her bed*

Kiri: Don't cry my baby

Kiri: Mommy is here

Kiral: Mom?

Kiri: Yes Kiral?

Kiral: I can't sleep

Kiral: Can you sing for me?

Kiri: Of course

Kiri: Come here

Kiral: *she lays down next to her mother*

Kiri: *she holds her baby with one hand while stroking her daughter's head with the other hand*

Kiri: *she's singing*

Rotxo: *he enters the room and sees his wife singing to their kids*

After one minute

Korok: *he's sleeping*

Kiral: *she's sleeping*

Rotxo: You sing really nice

Kiri: *she ok look at her husband*

Kiri: Thank you dear

Rotxo: *he takes Kiral in his arms*

Rotxo: I'll take her to her room

Kiri: And I'll take Korok to his room

Rotxo: *he took his daughter to her room*

Rotxo: *he put her down on her bed*

Kiral: *she wakes up*

Kiral: Dad?

Rotxo: Kiral

Rotxo: Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up

Kiral: It's okay dad

Rotxo: Sleep now

Kiral: Dad?

Kiral: Can i ask you something?

Rotxo: Of course

Kiral: Why did Spider wanted to get revenge?

Kiral: Why did he kidnap my brother?

Rotxo: My daughter

Rotxo: I'll tell you when you grow up

Kiral: You promise?

Rotxo: I promise

Rotxo: *he kisses her forehead*

Rotxo: Goodnight my daughter

Kiral: Goodnight dad

Rotxo: *he left the room*

Kiri: *she left her son's room*

Kiri: *she walked over to her husband*

Kiri: *she puts her arms around his neck*

Rotxo: *he puts his arms around her waist

Rotxo: Is everything okay?

Kiri: Yes

Kiri: Everything is okay

They went to their room and lay down on their bed

Rotxo: *he has his arms around her waist*

Kiri: *she has her hands on his chest*

Rotxo: *he kisses her*

Kiri: *she kisses him*

Rotxo: *he asks permission to explore her mouth*

Kiri: *she opens her mouth*

After one minute

Rotxo: *he pulls away for air*

Kiri: *she pulls away for air*

Rotxo: I love you

Kiri: I love you too

Rotxo: *he hugs her*

Kiri: *she lays on his chest*

Rotxo: Goodnight

Rotxo: Ma'Kiri

Kiri: Goodnight Ma'Rotxo

They fall asleep

The end

I promise I will post more stories

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