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I'm tired.

Tired of being trans, having the label of my gender be sexualize by filthy people that sexualize everything 

There is nothing remotely sexy about being trans/a trans man.

I don't see why people find a man with a vagina a turn on because of their sex organs and it likely goes for trans women too. I hate how somewhat normalized it is, it's disgusting and it's making me objectify myself (A LITERAL **CHILD**)

I wouldn't wish being trans on anyone due to the amount of deadnaming and misgendering from family and school and just everyone.

Being trans isn't fun or cute, it's awful and I hate it, I'd sacrifice my life just to be a cis boy. Multiple people probably would because I hate living in a world where people don't accept me for who I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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