Mission Assigned

3 1 0

Atlanta, Georgia
March 1, 2023

Today is the day I've been training  for 3 years now. The countless scenarios and possible outcomes that could happen have been covered. I still feel unprepared but fuck it.

I notice the building is packed today each person going to their specific task. I've been an agent since 18 years old. Five years of training three of those preparing for this mission. I've seen a lot of agents come and go whether it be retirement or death. One person who has stayed steady is Diane. The receptionist shes been here longer than I've been alive and is still lively with a Jersey accent to match

Hey Diane how's it going ?

Hey kid,today is the day to prove that our training actually works on the new generation. You know how I feel about your generation a bunch of lazy bums says Diane

Well thank you for that insight Diane I'll keep my generation in mind while I complete the mission she chuckles

Break a leg kid and don't let anyone stop you or drag you down on what you have to do she states

I can always count of Diane to tell it straight the closer I get to the elevator the more I feel that it's getting real. Glancing down the hallway I see someone I don't wanna see. Wyatt Banks we can't stand each other we both got in around the same time different ages of course I'm considered a prodigy entering at 18 and becoming an agent.

Well well well if it isn't agent fierce smirks Wyatt

I'm not in the mood Wyatt for a bicker back and forth I huff

Hey I just wanted to wish you good luck and let you know that I will be there the whole way if you need me for anything

Well I have a fellow agent on the assignment with me so I won't be needing your assistance or friendly gestures. She is clearly annoyed and wondering what's taking the elevator so long to open

Yea about that fierce im the agent we're partners on this assignment so we should try to get along for the sake of completing the task

Hell no Moss made you my partner this has to be some mistake. Open this damn elevator she sighs in an aggravated tone

I think we will make a great team partner and save our misunderstood friend Wyatt says condescendingly.

You don't even care for the subject were saving so why would you agree to do it I'm confused seems you just wanna fuck with me

Well he says kind of but feelings don't matter Moss wants us to complete the assignment I don't have to be a fanboy to follow orders. I hope you have the same mindset going in

What is that supposed to mean Wyatt ?

It means that you may empathize or try to derail the plan because of your soft spot for your community which I just need to be reassured that won't happen and get too involved with the subject

Sure you want reassurance I'll give you some how about fuck you and your racist ass comments . Hell no your not gonna be my fucking partner. The elevator opens as they both get on.

Silence fills the elevator as they lead into the basement and met with Mosses door. I can't wait to give him a piece of my mind for teaming me with this racist asshole.

Hello agent fierce and banks says Moss

I'm not working with this racist asshole Moss he's already starting talking I may have soft spot for the subject because of my community bullshit she says rolling her eyes clearly bothered

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