friday night flights

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(after that epic S and B showdown Calista and Blair meet Nate in the park)
"what gives her the nerve I mean she comes back thinking she can talk to me that way I'll show her"
Nate laughs at Blairs scheming "I'm sure she was just trying to reason with you" he says
"not at all she's completely rude and on my steps ugh how dare she am I right Calista? She calls my name snapping me out of a trans "uhm yep totally right" I said not knowing what they're talking about Blair continues
I then get a text from no one other than Serena..

S: hey meet me at bendls will you?     

                                                                                                                                                C: why would I do that?
S: because I'm with Eric and he really wants to see you 🥹
                                                                                                                          C: fine but only for Eric
S: see you in 10😘

"blair I have to go" I say, suddenly interrupting their conversation "where to?"
"Chuck he needs my help with something" I lie "ok I'll see you tomorrow then call me" I lean over to kiss her on the cheek "ciao" I say "bye cali" I hear Nate callout, and I flash smile and hide my blushing cheeks, so Blair doesn't notice

at bendls
"Hey Eric!" I say enthusiastically, hugging him "so glad you could come" Serena exclaims "yeah well I have to sneak away from Blair" I say, rolling my eyes "what's her deal anyway?" She asks " her deal Serena, you left without saying anything not even a good-" suddenly jenny Humphrey interrupts us "Hi Serena!" She streaks with  such excitement
"Hey Jenny, right this is my-" suddenly Eric interrupts and puts out his hand to be shaken, "uhm personal stylist and shopper" I scrunch up my face confused Jenny shakes his and begins "this is my broth-" she looks around confused " is that your dress for the kiss on the lips party?" I Scoff "no way she could afford it" I mumble Serena gives me those eyes letting me know to stop I roll my eyes "kind of oh and speaking of that" jenny pulls out an invitation I gasp lowly for no one to notice " I made you one during free period" Serena smiles and appreciates it " thanks that was really.. nice"
Jenny nods, and we start to walk up the stairs away from her Serena suddenly turns around and speaks "hey Jenny, that would look even better and black." Jenny nods, proving she understands. " black. Cool thanks"

A little after trying on clothes " Serena you know Blair's not gonna be happy if you come to the party"
She nods, knowing it would cause drama "I'm not gonna go I don't want her to be even more upset"
Eric looks around, confused as to why she's not allowed to go "good I mean that party specials her I wouldn't want her to be upset" I said showing and I care for Blair " well this has been fun but I unfortunately have to get home put away these clothes. Chuck wants me to hang out with him since nates busy with Blair" I roll my eyes knowing my brother only wants to hang out with me because his best friend is unavailable "well have fun with Chuck" I move my head remembering something "have fun with Blair tonight try to apologize she really misses you" I say sincerely as I walk off "bye Eric Remember you're still my favorite Vander Woodson" I wink

I walk off, heading back to the Empire
gossip girl narrating-
Doesn't Little J know what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If she keeps making mistakes like backstabbing B who knows where she'll end up.. Definitely not on the met steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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