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'Shh. I think he's gone now.' Lynette pushed open the trapdoor cautiously, wincing as it let out a soft crreakkk. A chink of light let in from the open trapdoor and lit up Freminet's pale face, showing the scared expression he was desperately trying to mask. Lyney tilted his head questioningly at Lynette 'Is he gone yet? Can you hear him?' he whispered. Lynette shook her head warningly and crept out quietly, slipping into the shadows and poking her head out to survey the silent house.

Lynette motioned you to follow and you crawled out of the trapdoor, joining her at the door. You could practically hear her heart pounding, and you felt her breath on your ear as she whispered, 'I think he's gone now, but I'm not sure- let's go check.' You tiptoed out of the attic and walked into the living room, your heart doing the cha cha slide in your chest at every sudden noise (whether it be the tap dripping or a creak of the floorboards.) Creeakk. Wait. What was that? 'The sound of your doom.'  Your brain answered ominously. Suddenly, you heard somebody walking up the stairs. 

Lynette panicked and ran straight to the attic, dragging you by the arm. 'C'mon c'mon...' she mumbled frantically as she knocked on the trapdoor, 'Lyney! Open up!!' The trapdoor hatch opened with a click and Lynette scrambled in, grabbing your arm and trying to drag you in too. However, the footsteps from before got louder and Neuvillette was now examining the door to the attic. Since there was no time, you yanked your arm away from Lynette and shut the trapdoor with your foot, before dashing to a shadowy corner, praying to the archons that you wouldn't be found. You could hear the softest mumbling (probably Lyney) under the trapdoor, but unless you were absolutely straining your ears to the point of combustion, you wouldn't hear it. Neuvillette opened the door cautiously (probably PTSD from the exploding front door) and the creak echoed around the room.

You felt a blast of icy air enter the attic and you held your breath, afraid of making a sound while breathing. Neuvillette walked around while examining the ground, walls, and windows, walking right past you and out of the room. Oh my days... thank god he hadn't spotted me. PHEW! Wait he genuinely hasn't spotted me, right?


Haha just kidding I'm messing with you guys

You let out a sigh of relief and slumped down onto the floor, your heart beating as fast as actually I can't think of anything fast (except me railing your mom) so just pretend that it was beating like babmbabmabmbmm when normally it beats like boom badoom boom badoom but this time it was bagdoamfgmaomdbabaogogmdodmoddd.

The trapdoor opened abruptly and Freminet came out. 'Is.. Is he gone?' You nodded your head absent-mindedly because you had just spotted something on the floor. You knelt down and picked it up. Huh? What is this? It looks like.. a letter?  Lynette opened the curtains slowly, and a chink of sunlight wafted in, cruelly illuminating the gilded seal on the letter. You opened it with trembling hands and a piece of paper fell out along with something in a bag. 

Did he drop this here on purpose? But he didn't even see us! It must have been an accident. 

You cast the letter aside and focused on the bag. The bag felt smooth, and looked expensive, clearly made out of velvet. As you slid it open, a small gold key nestled itself into your palm, heavy and cold. 'Woah! What's that?' Freminet asked as he sneaked up behind you, causing you to jump a small tree's height in the air and swing around. 

'Oh this? I'm pretty sure it's a key. Neuvillette dropped this.' hopefully on accident, your brain added as an afterthought. Maybe I should return it? Wait no that would be stupid. Uh- I'll just keep it. You slipped the key into your pocket and hoisted Lyney out of the trapdoor. With an oof, he sprawled himself across the carpet. 'Guys, seriously. We need to clean our attic.' You raised an eyebrow. 'You just realised?'  

'Well, we can leave the deep-clean for later,' Lynette began, tying her hair up, 'Let's just focus on making an escape plan for no-' Freminet suddenly sprang up. 'GUYS,' He started in a loud whisper, 'Be quiet. I think I can hear somebody outside.' A hush fell around the room and you started to hear it too. The little clinks of badges against uniform, the soft tramping of boots. The jangle of handcuffs. Lyney yelled 'GUYS! RUN! IT'S THE GUARDS!' just as the door came crashing down in a deafening BANG. Dust flew everywhere and a flurry of wallpaper fell down, shredded. You could make out the faint outlines of the siblings through the clouds of dust as they jumped out of the window and you were about to follow, when suddenly you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. 

'Got you.' 


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