Chapter 5: The First Encounter

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The guest lecture held by Dr. Spencer Reid in front of the interested employees of the LAPD lasted ninety minutes. Ninety minutes that the experienced FBI agent enjoyed the full attention of these people. Of course, Spencer could have put more into this lecture and told. But then they would sit there all night. Spencer knew the statistics only too well to know when people - whether they wanted to or not - slowly got tired and could no longer really focus on listening to someone. No matter how exciting the topic was, at some point you would look at the clock and hope that it would soon be over.

And that's exactly why his guest lecture lasted exactly ninety minutes.

He planned another 30 minutes for a Q&A session. But even there, Spencer knew that he was not allowed to digress with his answers, otherwise it would be quite long.

The interest in his lecture was, as announced, enormous. The LAPD employees came from all areas to listen to Spencer. Once again, Spencer had to assure Commander Hicks that he would come again for a second lecture.

The next minutes after his lecture were not only held for an interesting question and answer round, but there were also discussions, which is why the whole thing was extended by another thirty minutes. But no one seemed to be bothered by it.

When enough time had been exceeded, Commander Hicks stepped forward to protect Spencer from the next wave of questions and ended the lecture with a thank you to the guest speaker. The FBI agent also thanked him and pointed to the info flyers for more information and contact details.

When Spencer finished packing, the training room was empty and Hicks approached him.

"Dr. Reid? Do you still feel like having a drink before you finish work? Not far from here there is a bar, where some of us always meet," offered Hicks Spencer.

Spencer was aware that Hicks was trying to create a good relationship. In general, it was known that the LAPD and the FBI liked to clash in cases when the paths crossed. Whether on purpose or not, one could not always say.

"Why not," Spencer kindly agreed. The younger man had nothing against making new acquaintances. For today, Spencer was ready anyway and a hopefully free weekend was just around the corner for him and his team.

Commander Hicks nodded satisfied. When he first met Spencer Reid, he had been amazed that such a man, whose knowledge seemed to be unlimited, became team leader of BAU LA and not a professor at a first-class university. When he got the opportunity to see him in action in a case a few days later, Hicks quickly realized that he was working with a man who knew pretty well what he was doing and spoke of years of experience in his job.

Not only once had the LAPD worked with the BAU LA in recent weeks. It had been a big deal when, thanks to the profile of BAU, they had been able to catch a serial killer who was targeting young men. And they had also arrested the parcel bomber together.

Commander Hicks naturally hoped that the cooperation would continue to harmonize so well.

After a short stop at Spencer's company car, where he stowed his briefcase and shoulder bag, the two men went on to the bar. They talked about the city of Los Angeles and Hicks gave Spencer a few tips on what to do if you lived here. Hicks knew that the FBI agent had lived in Washington for years and worked in Quantico for over 15 years.

"Thank you, now I just have to find an opportunity to look at all your recommended places," Spencer said with a smile. "I studied at Caltech many years ago, but I was rarely right here in LA. Except, of course, it was for professional reasons."

"Of course ... Washington and LA must certainly look like two different worlds for someone like you. I have been to Washington several times for professional reasons and if I had to vote, I would definitely prefer LA. Just because of the climate. I find the people themselves in Washington somehow so ... stiff," otherwise Hicks couldn't describe it with a grin.

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