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Two lips that have touched mine touch each other now.

Two lips that have met with mine already touch now

The first pair of lips belong to my dear ex best friend who I kissed as a joke

The second pair of lips belong to my ex boyfriend

I never thought they'd Touch each other's lips but now they do

And here we are

I'm betrayed by people I thought I could trust but they're happy with each other.

I hope it was worth hurting me to be without someone who shouldn't have had a chance with you

But hey

Doesn't matter right?

Cuz when two people love each other then the others shut up don't they?

I hope his brother treats you right and doesn't Bully you like he did with me but at the same I hope he hurts you so you leave

As rude as it may be I hope you Come back to me

Cuz your best friend misses you

The girl she could trust

The girl she had fun with

She misses you as a person

And it hurts seeing you Happy with a guy who has hurt her

But hey you got my back

Or so I thought at least but now it seems you'd rather hold onto his

I hope you're happy now and I hope it was all worth it.

Every time you lied and every time you hurt me

I hope it was worth it

But even if not don't expect me to be there when you need someone

I picked you up so many times I can't do it again

Cuz even tho I love you so

I will not let you step over me

That's how I viewed love for a long time

Letting people step over me and do what they want so I won't lose them

But I've found my worth and I will not get attached to you

Cuz I know you won't care

I know you will use it for your own good

I hope it was worth seeing me depressed

I hope it's worth now

I hope it's worth it when I'm dead

Cuz every night I lay in my bed

And think about how to get ride of the pain

I hope you're happy when I'm gone and can live your live on and on

I hope you can still smile and say "I made the right decision this time"

And I hope you will forget what we used to have

I hope you won't feel pain

But I hope your soul will ache as much es mine did after finding out how you betrayed me

I hope that when My suicidal thoughts won You can look back and say "I don't care"

Even if I hope you know you should

And I hope He knows it's his fault

I hope you both are sorrow for a while

But then I hope you let go

And maybe in a other universe we're Able to be friends again


Just maybe

Maybe you even miss me the way I do miss you right now

Who knows

I just hope that you think of me once in a while

Cuz when I'm gone you're not gonna get the chance to hear my voice

Or to hug me

Neither will you ever see me again

I hope I'll be gone soon

But I don't want You to be alone

Even tho I said I won't care when you come back

I know exactly that I will

So that was a lie I guess

I like to act tough thats true

But the only thing I know You should be happy

And if that means For me to go and leave

I will

I hope though every leave you see reminds me of you

I hope every breath you take you will think why did I do this

But please Don't cry

Please don't think it's your fault

It's not

I just want you to realize what you did

I don't want you to be pained but at the same time I want you to feel the same pain as me

That doesn't make sense does it


Nothing makes sense about this

It's like a suicide letter but also not

I want you to know

I loved you

I did

But now all I feel is anger

Like a child who can't forgive their parent

And when I'm gone I hope you'll feel the same anger and pain.

But not for too long I can't stand you being in pain

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