09 - Follow

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"You know, something's been following me last night," Billy whispered out of the blue while they're taking their lunch break.

His friend, Joe, almost choke before looking at him. "Something? You mean, not human?" Joe asked. "You're kidding, right?"

"No joke, man!" Billy replied. "I think it's been following me ever since I was a kid."

Joe gulped. Instead of eating his sandwich, he listened attentively with his friend's story.

"Do you know what this 'thing' looked like"?

Billy paused for a second. "It's white. And faceless."

"With a slender body and tentacles?" Joe followed up with another question.

"It's just round!"

Joe's heart is about to jump out of its cage. 'If it's not the kid-abducting creature from a famous folklore then it could be a fucking headless man' he thought.

"But what could it be?"Joe asked.

Billy replied, "The moon."

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