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Coming to was hard after being knocked out and light flooded her vision as the foggy outline of a man filled her vision before she was knocked out again. 

When she came around again, she was lying on a couch and Elena was practically on top of her. A man was leaning over them and untying them. 

"What do you want?" Elena mumbled as she too began to walk up. 

"Ssh." The man hushed and Olivia shut her mouth quickly, but Elena didn't seem to get that memo. 

"Please, I'm hurt." Elena whimpered and Olivia twisted a little bit to look at the wounds on her sister. Despite the fact they were both adopted, Elena and Olivia had been raised as sisters so sisters they would remain. 

"I know. Just a taste." The man said and then his face vamped out. Olivia forewent all the promises she had made to hide her ability and grabbed his arm, beginning to siphon his strength away. She had discovered her ability to do this when she had grabbed Stefan while he was on a bender. He yanked his arm away and glared at her, but could do nothing as a brunette woman walked into the room.

"Trevor! Control yourself." The woman snapped and Trevor scowled. 

"Buzzkill." He groaned before leaving the woman alone with Elena and Olivia. 

"What do you want with us?" Elena asked, warily and Olivia was prepared to idea what magic she had siphoned off Trevor against this vampire. 

"Oh my god, you look just like her." The woman gasped as she looked at the doppelgänger and Olivia groaned to herself after she read the woman's lips. Of course this was about Katherine Pierce. 

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-" Elena began to plead and the woman's eyes narrowed into a glare. 

"Be quiet!" She snapped, but Elena persisted, despite Olivia putting a warning hand on her shoulder. 

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert and this is my twin Olivia; you don't have to do this." Elena continued and Olivia scoffed after twisting so she could read what was said. 

"Why don't you give out my social security number and banking information while you're at it?" She snarked and a flicker of amusement went through the woman's eyes before they hardened again. 

"I know who you are, I said be quiet." The woman ordered and Elena ignored that. 

"What do you want?" She asked and the woman slapped her hard, knocking her unconscious and back onto the couch. Olivia scrambled to her feet and was prepared to spell her way out of this. 

"I want you to be quiet." The woman repeated and then looked at Olivia, a hint of guilt in her gaze at the terror in Olivia's eyes. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that, I'm Rose. I think Trevor and I have nonperishable snacks if you're interested." Rose offered and while Olivia wanted to turn her down, her stomach decided for her and rumbled, reminding her that the only thing she had eaten since yesterday was one of the hors d'oeuvres served at the Masquerade ball. 

"Sure." She finally agreed and Rose led her through the house to where Trevor was and he glared at the redhead who glared back. 

"Be nice, Trevor." Rose scolded and Trevor turned his scowl to her. 

"She siphoned off me!" He complained and Rose rolled her eyes. 

"Shouldn't have tried to bite her friend." She told him before grabbing a snack for Olivia and handing it to her. 

"So, Cherrylicious, how much do you know?" Trevor asked and Olivia looked at him in confusion he had been looking away from her as she opened the snack and began eating it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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