love at first sight

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It was a normal day tophia was live streaming on tic Tok when she heard a knock on her door "ooh that must be my door dash order" she said. She got up and ran to the door with a thud in every step. "H-hi are you tophia s-syndell" Kaleb said. "Yes I am" tophia smirked."h-heres your order" Kaleb handed it to her. Tophia was In Love she wanted him so bad. "How old are you" tophia said while smiling. "Oh I'm 16" Kaleb said. "Perfect" tophia said while itching her arm pits. Kaleb walked away. She went back to her table where she was live streaming and placed the food on the table "Ok guys a hot guy came up to my door and gave me my door dash order" tophia said. She was eating her food and she suddenly thought about him. Tophia was smiling the whole time and the viewers were asking why she was smiling "Well I got to go guys I gotta get mamachus inhaler" tophia said. She ended the live stream and went to her room. She looked for her rose toy and she found it. It was all goey and slimy and it was disintegrated. She took off her pants and placed the rose up her pussy. It struggles to buzz because of her stinky pussy "god damn it" tophia says while throwing her rose toy on the floor. She pulls up her pants and goes on her phone. She scrolls on tik Tok for a while then she sees the cute boy on tic Tok. She follows him and decides to message him. "Hey how are you" tophia messaged. "Hey what's up" Kaleb texted back. Tophia was kicking her feet and screaming in her pillow. "Are you the door dash delivery guy" she texted while screaming. "Yeah I am" he texted back. Tophia decided to get some sleep so she brushed her teeth and put her PJs on and go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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