Con or No Con?!

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Dee walks the streets, looking for (Y/N) when she runs into Cricket.

"Cricket! Have you seen (Y/N)? She stormed out of the bar and I'm worried about her." She explains.

"Yeah. I saw her. She was heading in the direction of your apartment." He replies.

"And you didn't walk her home?! What if something happened to her?! You know she can't defend herself!" Dee yells. Cricket scoffs.

"I think she can take care of herself." He mumbles.

"What? No she can't! Whatever, I have to go find her and make sure she's safe." Dee says, turning and leaving the man without another word.
The door to the apartment slams open and Dee rushes in, out of breath and clearly worried.

"(Y/N)! There you are! I was worried to death about you! Why weren't you answering your phone?!" The blonde woman asks frantically. (Y/N) looks up at her from her cozy spot on the couch.

"My phone died. But I'm fine. Obviously. I just needed to talk a walk to cool down." (Y/N) replies casually.

"At two in the morning?! What if something had happened to you? There's a lot of shady people that roam these streets at night!"

"I know. But I'm fine. I didn't have any problems. I won't do it again."

The next morning, (Y/N) wakes up to her phone ringing.

Half asleep, she doesn't even look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She asks, groggy and slightly annoyed.

"Hey, (Y/N). It's Dennis."

She silently gags before putting her act back on.

"Hey, Den. What's up?"

"Okay, so I don't usually do this, but I can't stop thinking about you and that kiss and what you said last night about it meaning something to you and I was up all night thinking about it and-"

"Den, get on with it."

"Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) covers the microphone of the phone for a second, making fake gagging sounds. She sighs and uncovers the mic, putting her happy-go-lucky fake persona back on.

"I need to think on it. I'll give you my answer at the bar this afternoon."

"Okay. I'll see you then, (Y/N)."

She hangs up the phone and throws it down onto the couch.

"Ugh! I don't wanna do this! I was just supposed to make him fall for me! I didn't think he'd ask me out!" She cries, covering her face with her hands.

She picks her phone up again and dials Ruby.

"Hey! Is there a problem with the con?" Ruby asks as she picks up the phone.

"Dennis asked me to be his girlfriend." (Y/N) responds.

"Wow! That's great!"

"What?! How is that great? I don't want to date that psychopath!"

"This is good! If you date him you can make Charlie jealous and break both of their hearts at the same time!"

"Can't I do it some other way? I don't want to do this."

"This is what we're doing now, (Y/N). I gotta go but I'll call you in a few days."

(Y/N) sighs. "Okay, Ruby. I'll talk to you then."
(Y/N) stands in front of the door to the bar, her stomach full of dread. She has to tell Dennis yes, but everything in her is telling her to say no and abandon the whole con. But she can't.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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