DaiSugaAranKita Chatfic

14 1 0

(I couldn't find a pic of the cute couple 😭 so I just went with cute Kita bc I can) (also I will not be checking for spelling errors bc I am me so be warned)
Keep in mind I do NOT remember the timeline where the match took place! So if anything is wrong, correct me! This does not mean i will correct the story, but honestly I just wanna know.

5:34 pm

Suga: Hiiiiiiii!!

Kita: Who is this?

Suga: It's Sugawara from Karasuno!

Kita: Oh I see, hello.

Aran: Hello Sugawara? Who's the other person in this chat?

Daichi: That would be me.

Suga: Yeah this is Deadchi!

Kita: Deadchi? I though he was Daichi?

Suga: oh yeah he is but like he kinda like died on the court. So ya

Aran: how the hell do you die on the court????

Suga: he is a man of many talents🤷

Daichi: OK! Moving away from that subject, what are y'all's teams like?

Kita: ...children...they are all children...

Suga: lol I feel that

Aran: cmon Kita, they aren't that bad...

Kita: are you the one that has to stop fight between the twins? Are you the one that has to forcefully confiscate Suna's phone? Are you the one that stops all of them from being children?

Kita: sorry, I went crazy there for a second.

Suga: lol its fine Kita😂

Aran: damn u dont gotta call me out like that😭

Suga: omg we should legit go somewhere together🤩

Aran: omg yes we should sugar!

Aran: Suga******

Suga: U can call me sugar✨

Aran: oh🤭

Kita: Daichi, how about you and I go get some black coffee?

Daichi: yes, i would love that

Suga: wait no dont leave us😭 you'll make us sad

Aran: ya u will😭

Kita: good. (Only towards aran)

Daichi: agreed (except towards both of u)

Suga: damn, Daichi😭

Aran: u made us sad🥺

Daichi: great, i achieved my goals.

Aran: 😭

Suga: 🥲

1:27 am

Suga: sooooo i cant sleep

Aran: omg sameeee! Legit meant to be

Suga: omg ur so right🤩

Daichi: I swear to god why are you two up this late?!

Suga: is it late? Or are we just early????/🤨

Daichi: you will be the fucking death of me.

Kita: I swear to god if none of you are asleep in the next ten minutes I will show up at your front doors and force you to sleep.

Suga: 🫢 say less

Suga: wait

Suga: how do u know where we live?????

Aran: he has so many sources its not even funny

Suga: oh😃

Suga: k I'm going to sleep now😃 gn y'all

Aran: good night😭

Kita: yes, sleep well.🙂

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