The Temple

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  Master Plo Koon had exited hyperspace, and viewed the planet of Coruscant from above, seeing the backed up traffic lanes of thousands of ships. Plo had sensed that something was wrong on the planet surface, as if something was going on at the temple. Plo had full throttled his ship, zooming passed the many ships that are trying to get onto the major trade hub and capitol of the Galactic Republic. 

  As Plo Koon neared the temple, he saw the 501st Legion entering the front gates, lead by a hooded figure in dark robes. Plo Koon felt uneasy about that. Landing on the pad, greeted by Battle Master Cin Drallig. However, he had a very worried look, as the temple guards had just now contacted him that there were clones lead by a force user. Drallig had mobilized the entire  temple, waking everyone, and having the temple guards at the front, protecting the younglings  and padawans in the center of the temple. 

  As Ploi's hatch opened, he jumped  out in a hurry and rushed over to Master Drallig.

 "Master Drallig, I have grave news." Plo said.

  "I already know, friend." He said grimly. "They have already started breaking through, we have woken Master Shaak Ti. I have yet to contact Yoda, and Master Windu is not responding."

  "I see. Contact Master Yoda as we run to the front. I would like to speak with him." He responded.

  Master Drallig merely nodded and took out a long range commlink. Plo and Drallig ran down to the nearest room where they could hear combat, and it was the temple archives. The two masters entered, seeing guards and knights fiercely battling the clones, protecting a group of padawans and younglings, each one taking tens of them at once, deflecting blast after blast, getting more winded after each. 

(Imagine many more rows within the archives

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(Imagine many more rows within the archives. Padawans & younglings near the back wall, and the clones more bunched up.) 

  Plo jumped down into the center of them, drawing his lightsaber from his belt. Igniting the sapphire blue blade from the hilt. The main group of clones around him saw him jump up and they aimed their blasters at him. At once they fired but he merely jumped up high enough that they all missed. Landing, Plo swung his saber at the nearest one, decapitating him as his brothers merely shook it off and kept firing, sometimes hitting each other.  The Jedi that were fighting this group immediately gained  vigor at seeing a master join the battle. 

  Plo threw his lightsaber, using the force to guide it as it spun in a circle around him, spinning and cutting everything in its path. He had to remain focused in order to do this properly and only get the clones, not the other Jedi. Outstretching his left hand, he aimed it at a group of clones in the back, aiming at him, and directed the force throughout his arm, and exiting out of his fingertips. A yellow stream of lightning jutted out of his fingers and within milliseconds, the clones were writhing on the ground, and dead within seconds.

  As this was happening, Drallig drew his saber and was near the back protecting the wounded Jedi. He had his commlink in one hand and Yoda had finally answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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