Another one of my homeworks

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Yall this is another one of the homeworks i had to do with technically write something bout the moral of the story or some shit like that and i just had to share with you guys. Also please ugnore the fact that im using Jisung's and Hyunjin's english name because i couldnt think of any other names tbh T-T but yea i hope you enjoy it

In a society where conventional marriages have traditionally been blessed as the foundation for a successful relationship, the courage and commitment of two men who dared to overcome social stigmas to express their love for one another amid intense criticism was a rarely witnessed phenomenon. Such was the tale of two men who bravely endured the criticism, ridicule, and discrimination to stand firm in the love and acceptance for one another; a love story for which two individuals were willing to face whatever obstacle stood in their way of being together.

Unfortunately, their relationship was met with resistance due to their homosexuality. They were constantly judged and criticized by their society, which created a barrier between them and their love. Despite their friends and family being disapproving of their relationship, their love was stronger than any opposition.

The two men never gave up on their love for one another, and they still chose to remain together despite the negativity they faced. They began to defy the expectations of those around them, speaking out against the prejudice they felt. Together, they eventually made their community understand that their love was just as strong and valid as any other couples' relationship.

The two men's journey of love, despite all the hardship and criticism, became something of an inspiration to those facing similar struggles. Their courage to remain together made a change in those around them, decreasing prejudice and opening the hearts and minds of those who were originally against them. Their story is a reminder for us all that love is all that matters, and that no matter what anyone else may say, it always has the power to conquer all.

Peter and Sam were two ordinary men who met in their late twenties and formed a deep bond of friendship that quickly blossomed into love. From the outset of their developing relationship, Peter and Sam felt a mutual attraction to one another despite the fact that they shared the same gender and the harsh reality that such a relationship would undoubtedly be met with chaotic opposition in their communities.

For Peter and Sam, expressing their feelings for one another was an act of courage that they were both committed to uphold. Despite the extreme criticisms the pair faced, they decided to keep their love a secret in order to protect their friendship from further alienation due to external pressures.

Living on the fringes of society, living in fear of being discovered by its people, the couple became a symbol of resilience and despite the various prejudices, stereotypes and negative views they encountered, Peter and Sam continued to be true to themselves and their love for one another.

Their passionate relationship, however, ended in tragedy. After years of maintaining their secret, the couple were discovered in a vulnerable embrace, deeply in love and passionate as ever. In a shocking and humiliating display, their love had been exposed and they were aggressively judged, embarrassed and publicly shunned.

Peter and Sam's love for one another was a reminder of resilience in the face of adversity and could not be broken by the ridicule, harsh words or strong disapproval from others. Despite their tragedy, I dream of a society where Peter and Sam could have been openly accepted for who they are and what their relationship truly represented: a true, passionate and beautiful kind of love.

I hope you guys liked it and remember that no matter what people say just love yourself and dont let shit get to your head. Be Yourself

This is kinda cringe ngl 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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