Pyramid Head

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A thick and heavy fog rolls over the abandoned streets as wind is sent whipping past my ears. The only deafening silence being overlaid with the sound of the gusts of winds, and the slight hum-buzz of ringing in both of my ears and footsteps... wait... footsteps? I thought that I was hallucinating it all. I also thought that I'm the only one here.

I look around frantically as the thundering thudding of footsteps grow progressively closer, getting nearer and nearer to me. There is also a sound of something scraping along the concrete that almost goes through me, the fog beginning to be illuminated by sparks of light. Abruptly, the noise stops as a figure begins to emerge from the thick and heavy fog that envelop both me and whatever the figure is, and the abandoned street that we're both standing in.

I then begin to go white. Paper-white. A lump begins to grow in my throat as I feel my heart and breathing rate rise. My skin is covered, from head to toe, in goosebumps from just the sounds that I was hearing. I can't do anything: I can't move, I can't breathe, I can't speak. I then space out.

Unknowingly, the figure has been coming towards me this entire time. He stands over me, looking down, looming over me like a mountain. As I slowly and reluctantly look up, I can see him in full detail.

The figure. 

The figure wields a long, rusted sword in a rough, heavily-scarred hand, that almost look as if the sword is bound to it. In the other, nothing. Just the same texture of heavily wounded, rutted and scarred skin. Dark, cold rivulets of crimson run down his arms and begin to drip almost melancholically. His face, or shall I say, his helmet, obscures his face. It appears to be shrouded in a layer of grime and rust just like his sword, but it is adorned with scratches and scars that run all over the helmet like a rash, looking closely, it appears to be cruelly shaped into some sort of pyramid. Despite having his head covered by the helmet, I can still tell that he's almost glaring at me. He's wearing something as well, looking down, I see that he wears a dirty butcher's robe and some kind of beige sarong dress, stained in dried blood. His build appears to be quite muscular and athletic, his skin being a pale shade of ivory white. He's abnormally tall. Way taller than me. Way taller than any man I've ever seen.

The figure stands ominously silent and rigidly over me as he begins to raise the sword over his head. I then hurriedly move backwards as the sword unexpectedly plunges and then begins to sink into the ground.

The figure then stands there for an almost awkward amount of time, his rigid figure standing there silently, before pulling the sword out of the ground, sheathing it.

By this time, there is some distance between me and whatever that thing is...

Now, silence ensues. But then, the silence is broken by my voice.

"Please don't kill me." I plead. A tone of nervousness in my voice.

The figure then looms in the distance, cocking his head slightly like a dog at my response.

The silence ensues once again, before the figure speaks.

"If you don't want me to kill you, then I suggest you come closer." The entity replies. His voice is unnaturally deep, raspy and hoarse. He then moves his index and middle finger on his unequipped, uneven hand, signalling for me to come closer.

Reluctantly, I almost have to drag myself towards the entity. I look completely miniature in scale when compared to him. The entity stands silently over me once again, before leaning down next to me, and then begins to rest one of his massive, muscular hands on one of my shoulders. For some reason, he then begins to inspect me, almost as if looking for something. He then begins to emit some kind of guttural "Hmm." sound. 

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