when you two meet♡

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This could go many ways, you could be somone that survived the apocalypse, or you could travel through universes, you can also make up your own story! Either way, you get to meet him!-

-obviously he's shitting his figurative pants, I mean, he's never seen a human before. He asks ALOT of questions, and I mean, ALOT!

- he doesn't understand the concept of love really, but he knows that, for some reason, you're just not like an average human, you seem... different to him?

- He most definitely can get on your nerves, asking questions left and right. although he seems to like you, he still is going to stereotype you as an average human: dumb, freakish, and questionable. but other traits he didn't know he liked about you: "cute" and "strange". He see's you as a sort of "project" , but he hates to notice how he's starting to warm up to you, just a little to figure out more about humans... right? but the more he asks, the more he's emerged in your world.

-after he see's that you're "not like other humans", he starts to notice different things about you. the way you talk, act, walk, and look. he doesn't understand the way humans link their faces to their emotions, and it sorta creeps him out when our face wrinkles. (aka, confusion, happieness, sadness)
"why is your face doing that? Stop it, it's gross and weird, why does it do that?"
He'll ask, but after it happens so many times, he gets used to it, and eventually links the emotions to the face. He will compare you to the things he's heard about humans, versus how a live human acts in front of him, and he will feel strange, because you don't act anything like what he's read.

"why are they not trying to kill us? They killed off their kind.. oh, well, technically THEY didn't, but their own species did... they are certainly strange..."

-when he gets to know you better, he'll trust you more understand you more, and if you allow him to see your true emotions, he'll put the peices together on why you left earth/ how lonely you've been. The strange "feeling" he has for you will grow, and the other two robots will notice.

K- dude, I'm not obsessed with her!

Xbot- uh "dude", you barely leave her side, it's like you're in love with her!

11-45-G-(don't know how to give her a nickname, ig ellie will do from now on) I'm agreeing with xbot here, you seem to be attaching and somehow "attracted" to her in a way.

K- wait, slow down, what is "love"?

(What is love, baby don't hur- ok I'll stop)

- he stays up for days (almost runs his fusion battery dry) finding definitions and answers to his feelings for you, ultimately denying every word or joke pointed in his direction by ellie and xbot, even around you, he finds himself changing subjects when you question what they mean.

Xbot: so k-vrc, you find the definition of "looovee" yet? (He would giggle, still joking)

Kv- shut. Up. Peh-lease (it would sound like he was speaking through his teeth, but he doesn't have any)

Ellie- my question is, how does a robot fall in love with a hu-

Kv- (interrupts her) I SAID SHUT UP!  (his whole intire face- er, uhm, screen? Yea, his whole entire screen flushes red, and like a comedy skit, he pulls his antana(the orange things on both his sides) down to create a flush animation. Imagine a toilet flush.)

You- uh, dude? You ok? What are you guys even talking abou-

Kv- (interrupting again) oh, nothing they just, uhm, just jokes, yea, ha-ha-ha, all laughs

You- but you're not-

Kv- oh hey look at that! (He automatically changes subjects)

- ok, FIIINE, he finally admits it, but never says it out loud, he wants to see how you interact with him now, wondering if your body language will display any signs of "love". he hates the word now, still denying it a bit, but it's what he's come to the conclusion of. He even finds himself trying to impress you, only to have the other two robots joke again.

-you see him start to act strange around you, he's jittery, sorta stutters, and is always staring at you. He still consideres him stareing as him"studying" you still, but deep down he knows he just admires you. You ask him what's wrong, but he says it's just a little virus, that it makes him "freeze up" randomly. because that's what he thinks it is still, and xbot just LOVES to hammer him for his "virus"

Xbot: Hey, kv, you asked that "virus" out ye- I mean, fixed it yet? (He would laugh, you wouldn't get it)
K- shut it bot boy (he would always come back with an insult, afraid you'll know what he means- wait, WHY is he afraid? It's not like you two are actually together?

-then, he knows he loves you, after he says that, he starts imagineing himself with you, in your arms, laughing with you. He constantly catches himself thinking about you, looking at you, not just studying you, but just looking at you blankly, and he's fully understood why. He can't wait untill that day comes, when he asks you to form a relationship.. or when you ask him, the difference doesn't matter at all to him.

☆k-vrc one-shots☆ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora