Chapter 1

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Reason #1: His Unwavering Kindness

In a world that often seems consumed by chaos and indifference, one of the many reasons why I love him is his unwavering kindness. It's a quality that has been a part of his essence since childhood, and the memories of those early days only serve to reinforce my admiration.
I can vividly recall the stories he's shared about his childhood, a time when innocence and simplicity were the guiding principles of his life. One particular memory stands out like a beacon of the goodness that has always resided within him. As a child, he used to spend his summers at his grandparents' farm. He'd describe those days with such fondness, the way the sun would paint golden fields of wheat and the gentle breeze whispered secrets in his ear. But what truly warmed my heart was the tale of how he used to care for the injured birds that sought refuge in the farm. He'd build small makeshift nests for them, tenderly nurse their wounds, and patiently wait for them to regain their strength before setting them free. It was a gesture of compassion that spoke volumes about the kind of person he was becoming, even then. Those memories from his childhood reveal the roots of the kindness and empathy that have defined him throughout his life. They remind me of the purity of his heart, a heart that I've had the privilege of holding close to mine. In his acts of kindness, whether big or small, I find a love that is enduring and genuine. It's a love that has made my own life immeasurably richer, and I am endlessly grateful to have such a beautiful soul by my side.

"Come on, follow me!" yelled the small boy to his best friend who was running behind him, "wait! I have little legs" the younger girl yelled back, running behind her friend. The grass passed along their skins as they ran through it, heading towards the small house that sat at the edge of the forest. "Hurry Gigi." the young boy once again yelled as he eventually reached the house, with the young girl reaching a few seconds after he did. He opens the door entering the house and greeting his parents with seulgi following behind him greeting his parents as well taking off her shoes and sitting at the table waiting for the food to be server "Mrs. Park I love your dress it's gorgeous" Seulgi says as she looks at the older woman's dress smiling softly "thank you dear and your dress is beautiful too" she replies looking at the younger girl's white dress with yellow flowers on it as she smiles and pats the young girl's head
~ END~

The sun-drenched afternoons of our childhood were a treasure trove of memories, and one particular scene always stands out in my mind. We were just carefree children, with the world at our feet and boundless energy to burn. I can vividly recall the warm, golden grass that stretched out before us, a lush carpet that seemed to go on forever. It was a sea of green, dotted with wildflowers that swayed in the gentle breeze. Our laughter echoed through the air as we chased each other through that endless meadow. Our little legs carried us effortlessly, and the world blurred around us as we raced through the tall grass. The warmth of the sun on our skin and the smell of earth and wildflowers filled our senses. There was a magical quality to those moments, as if time itself had slowed down to allow us the pure joy of childhood. We'd tumble and roll in the grass, our giggles a symphony of happiness. Sometimes we'd lie on our backs, gazing up at the vast blue sky, imagining shapes in the fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily overhead. In those moments, the world felt infinite, and we were its explorers. As I look back on those carefree days, I can't help but smile. Our childhood adventures in that sun-kissed meadow were the foundation of our friendship and the beginning of a love that would grow and deepen with each passing year. Those memories remain etched in my heart, a testament to the enduring beauty of our connection.

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