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TANAKA REI AND MONKEY D. LUFFY SURPRISINGLY DIDN'T ONLY SHARE ONE BRAIN CELL. In a world of pirates and mysteries, they were the other's constant, the one the other could rely on in their time of need. They weren't siblings, no, not at all. If they were, Rei would've tossed him into the ocean and let him sink, but they were friends, the best kind.

The stretchy and gunpowder-smelling kind.

So when a 17 year old Luffy tells an 18 year old Rei to put on a blindfold and let him lead her somewhere, you can imagine the reaction that the older had. With Luffy all on his pirate shit, Rei thought for a split second she was being sacrificed to a pirate crew just so he could hitch a ride to head on after the One Piece.

Gold Roger had flipped the world on it's head.

Nonetheless, she gave in, her generous deed for the decade, perhaps a feeble attempt at atoning for all the lives she's taken in her years. Luffy's hands on her shoulders, he led her to an empty part of the beach and nearly yanked her head off in the process of whipping the blindfold off of her striking golden-brown eyes.

"You're not serious," she had said, eyes wide as she grimaced at the shabby boat in front of her, though now looking back, Tanaka Rei shouldn't have even doubted how serious Luffy was. Because he was. A thousand percent. He had practically shoved all of his belongings in that old thing, and she was sure that he had taken some of her things and placed them in one of the five barrels on the boat. 

"Adventure awaits!" The straw-hat wearing boy had said, throwing his arms up in the air. "What do you say? Are you with me?" His eyes met hers, and for a millisecond (Luffy had heard her use that word before-- millisecond-- it sounded like a dish-- oh, a pasta dish! That's a good pasta dish name), he was scared, all of his haphazard planning surely must've scared his dear friend off--

But no sir. Tanaka Rei grinned, like a Cheshire cat, her canines seemingly elongating, but the brightness of her grin took up most of Luffy's attention.

"I thought you'd leave me behind to a lifetime of bartending."

TANAKA REI( the sharpshooter with a taste for blood )

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( the sharpshooter with a taste for blood )

"Yoo hoo! Would you like the easy and painful way to your death,
or the equally painful hard way?"


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