Chapter 4.

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"S.. si...sir?" A voice said.

Ali groaned. "Are you okay my boy? Why are you calling me 'sir'?"

"What is your name?" A voice asked. He couldn't make out if it was female or male.

"Nikolas you know my name." Ali said. His head was pounding.

"Ali, Nikolas isn't here." He heard his mom's voice softly say. 

"Mama?" Ali asked. Blinking his eyes open.

He was now laid down on a hospital bed with a blanket covering him.

"Where's my boy?" Ali asked as he sat up.

"Sir, you need to lay down." The nurse said and forced Ali back down.

Aisha quickly stood next to him. "Your still in the same hospital as Nikolas was in. But when the doctor came to check on you, he found you bleeding from your head and Nikolas gone."

"I need to get up." Ali gasped, "I need to find Nikolas."

"Sir, we have the best police in America trying to find your son. Once your head is better we'll let you go." The nurse said. She cuffed Ali's wrist down. 

"But my boy is in danger! James has taken him again!" Ali tried.

"Actually Ali, the police showed me the camera footage and it wasn't James." Aisha said.

Ali blinked confusingly at her.

"It was a this a bald man with a face covering and wearing black."


Nikolas blinked open his eyes, he was expecting to wake up in Ali's arms again, instead he woke up in a dimly lit room with a heavy blanket over his body again.

He quickly sat up. Realising he wasn't covered in chains.

"You're awake? Finally. Your like Ali sleeping for days on end." He heard Su-Han's voice say.

"Su-Han? How am I here? I was in the hospital before." Nikolas said.

Su-Han held up his hand for silence. "Your father wanted you to start training. He's afraid of James getting you again."

"Oh," Nikolas blinked, "Where is my dad?"

"He had to go back to Paris to help your mother." Su-Han explained.

Nikolas nodded, "Uh okay. But he never told me he wanted to start my training. He was very against it last night."

"When you fell asleep he changed his mind. He told me to tell you he'll be here as soon as he can." Su-Han said. He walked over to a small table and somehow made these cups appear out of nowhere and fill them with tea.

How Su-Han did that? He had zero idea.

"Here. It'll help with the pain." Su-Han said.

Nikolas thanked him and slowly started sipping the tea. It was delicious.

"I'll meet you out front in the courtyard in a couple minutes." Su-Han said and gave him Lorr's miraculous.

Nikolas nodded and took the box.

Su-Han left the room as Nikolas climbed out of bed.

Nikolas stretched and opened the box. A glowing gold light covered his eyes before Lorr was happily flying around his face again.

Master! Lorr chirped happily are you ready to become a hero?!

"Don't exactly have a choice." Nikolas chuckled. He actually missed Lorr a bit. It wasn't the same not hearing Lorr's annoying voice.

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