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Vanessas pov

I woke up in the morning feeling a grip of two strong arms around my waist and i smilled.

"Good morning beautiful!" Bill said in his sleepy voice kissing the back of my neck.

I was foolded.

"Good morning love." I said as i turned around to see him.

As i turned around he grabbed my face and kissed me passiontley that i could melt that exect second.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him as he let go.
"My head hurts a little but im okey dont worry." He said.
"Im gonna get you some water and maybe you will feel better!" I said.
"Thank you love." He said and then pulled me in for another kiss on the lips.
"No problem." I said.

I kissed him on his cheek before getting up and leaving to get the water for Bill.

I left the room and went to kitchen.I got the water and left the kitchen.

"Bill here i got you the wa-" I said.

I saw something that made me cry the second i saw it.I dropped the glass and it broke.

I saw bill being held by two men and one of them had a sharp knife against Bills neck and two other men were behind them standing.

"Do not move one step or your Vampire boyfriend is dead." A man behind Bill said.

I looked at Bill who was looking a me with millions of tears running down his face.

"Vanessa please,listen to them..." Bill said crying.

I nodded with tears in my eyes and backed away but then someone strong grabbed me by my neck and put something on my mouth.

All i could hear was Bill screaming for me.


Right after that,i blacked out.

2 days later~~~~~~~~

I heard a very faint but comforting voice call my name.

"Come on wake up i need you!"
I heard.

I slightly opened my eyes not knowing where i am.

"Bill?" I said.
"Oh my god...Yes its me!" He said.
"I,I cant move..." I said trying to move but i couldnt.I was completly numb at this point.
"Shh,its okey come here.." He said.

He came to me to hug me but i couldnt hug him back.I couldnt move.I could bearly speak.

"Where are we?" I asked as he pulled away.
"I dont know...But i promise you,we will get out of here as soon as posible.I promise." He said.

He hugged me again while we were both on the floor crying in an empty room.

"You know,i wish i could hug you right now but,i cant..." I said.
"Dont worry,you will hug me all you want when we get out of here okey?" He said.

I nodded my head and he kissed me on the lips gently.I gave my everything to kiss him back but i couldnt.

After he pulled away he backed away and started coughing really bad.

"Bill no..." i said.

I put in everything i could to get to him and i managed to crawl to him just to hug him.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"Its just vervein.I will be okey." He said.
"Vervein?" i said confused.
"Its toxic to Vampires and it protects humans from getting compelled by a Vampire.Anytime we drink it or get in touch,it burns us.But you are a human so,it doesnt hurt you.But it hurts me." He said.

That made me think more...Did Bill ever compell me?

"Did you ever compell me?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and took my arm into his.

"Love i would never do that to you because i love you more then i love myself.You know that." He said.
"I love you to..." I said.

I fell onto his sholder and cried.

About 30 minutes passed and i was still next to Bill.He was telling me it ws all going to be fine and that we will get out of here soon.I believed him.I really did.

After some time,two men came inside the room and dragged Bill away from me making me fall to the ground.

The dragged Bill to the other side of the room and they had some plant in their hands.

One man was holding Bill on his neck and the other man came closer to me and stood right next to me.

"See your Vampire boyfried killed my only love in my life.A girl i loved juat like he loves you.And he owes me so much.So im going to ruin his life just like he ruined mine." The man said.
"Please dont do this to him...He doesnt deserve this..." I said.

"Hah...Do it." The man said as he looked at the man that was with Bill.

The man put the plant against Bills face and he was screaming in tears.

"DONT HURT HIM" i screamed on repeat and they finally left.

They closed the door and i had enough energy to go to Bill.

"Are you okey Bill?Please tell me you are okey..." I said as i checked him everywhere to make sure hes okey.
"Im okey,dont worry...Just,tomorrow one of us is gonna have to break the promise.Its gonna be me..." He said.

My heart dropped to the bottom of the ocean.

No i cant live without him...Hes my everything...

"If one of us is going to die.It will be me.Not you.I would do anything for you even if it takes to end my life.I would do it because i love you." I said as i held his hand.

"Vanessa no..." He said.
"Im going to do it Bill.Because i love you." I said.

I saw so many tears in Bills eyes...They really made me want to get out of here with him and just kiss him till we both die together.

"I dont want to lose you..." he said crying his eyes out.

He put his hand on my face and i put my hand on his.

"You will be okey i promise.Just know that i love you more then anyone in this world ever did.Remember that." I said.
"I dont want to lose you Vanessa...I love you..." He said.
"You will be okey Bill.I promise.I love you more..." I said.

I hugged him tight for the last time with tears in my eyes.I didnt want to leave him but,it was the only option...

And i really do Love him more then anyone in this world could.

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