Chapter One: Tea for Two

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Anti-Cosmo wandered the old streets, looking for his usual coffee shop. It was a run-down little hole-in-the-wall place, but he enjoyed it.

He also liked the quiet it brought him. Anti-Wanda didn't come out here to the old shop streets anyway. It wasn't like she didn't know where he was, but she didn't dare follow. And that was what Anti-Cosmo liked about it, specifically.

He made the almost subconscious turn to the front door of the Dark Raven Café. He sat down at his usual table.

"Hey, Coz." Anti-Raven said to him. She was the shop's owner, and the café's namesake. "The usual coffee and biscuit?" She asked, already writing down the order. She knew him too well, Anti-Cosmo thought.

"Mhm," Anti-Cosmo hummed. He pulled his AntiNav from his pocket, scrolling his social media feed while he waited.

One article caught his eye, there was another magic related death over in the east region of Anti-Fairy World.

Happens too often for comfort, Anti-Cosmo thought to himself. Some of the magic they received from Fairy World was purposely contaminated to kill an Anti-Fairy once it got to them. It was horrible, and Anti-Cosmo wasn't even able to point any fingers at any Fairy because it could simply be something unrelated to the Fairies. Like the Pixies, or something (who the Fairies tended to point fingers at the most for stuff like this).

"One dark chocolate coffee, no cream no sugar and a buttered biscuit." Anti-Raven set down the small plate and mug in front of him, and he set down his AntiNav. Checking his social media was a mistake. Every time he did, he hated seeing the news relating to deaths of more and more Anti-Fairies by the day.

After all, he was the king of this world. He may be heartless and cruel at times, but hearing of just one of his kind dying was horrible. Each death just made him angry at the Fairies more and more.

"Thank you, Anti-Raven." Anti-Cosmo nodded curtly, before taking a bite of his biscuit and a sip of his black coffee.

He enjoyed magicless cooking. It may be more expensive and took more time to make, but it tasted better. The biscuits at this café were his favorite, as he knew they didn't use their wands to make them and instead made them the old-fashioned way with batter and an oven. Besides, it saved magic for more necessary uses anyhow.

He finished his coffee and left a 10 on the table before leaving the café.

Might as well get some shopping done, he mused to himself. Of course, that required going to Fairy World as the only quality grocery store was there. Everything in Anti-Fairy World was too rotten for his tastes.

With a wave of his wand, and a lot of magic being expended, he warped himself to Fairy World's very own Fairy Mart. Anti-Cosmo hated those dumb names of their establishments. It was usually just the word Fairy with whatever the building was stuck after it.

He walked inside, earning a few stares as soon as he did. He didn't care, though, since he had special privileges and was allowed to be here.

Of course, his day couldn't be perfect. Something just had to happen.

"Oh, Anti-Me!" Cosmo said, walking with Wanda. "Its nice to see you again!" Cosmo grinned. Wanda looked suspicious of Anti-Cosmo, but didn't say anything.

"Ugh... Hello, Cosmo." He gave a small wave. He was trying to be a little more chummy with the Fairies as of late. Who knows, they might raise their magic rations so they wouldn't be dying left and right.

"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked, almost in a condescending manner.

"Shopping." Anti-Cosmo replied bluntly, a little rudely even. "Just like anyone else here." Wanda crossed her arms, giving him a side eye still as he spoke to Cosmo.

"Oh, us too! Wow, this is such a coincidence!" Cosmo butted in, trying to dissolve the tension between his counterpart and his wife either on accident or on purpose.

"Yes, yes, what a coincidence." Anti-Cosmo said, browsing the tea selection rather than looking at Cosmo.

Wanda lightly pulled on Cosmo's arm, signaling him that they should probably keep shopping.

"Bye Anti-Me! See you soon!" Cosmo said, still having that stupid kind grin plastered on his face. Anti-Cosmo said nothing in response, shuffling through the various boxes of tea.

"Stupid good for nothing store... They don't even have chamomile..." Anti-Cosmo muttered.

Cosmo had heard Anti-Cosmo say something about chamomile tea as they were walking away, and he snuck one of Wanda's 6 boxes of it out of the cart and walked back to the tea aisle.

"Hey, Anti-Me, are you looking for one of these?" He gave the box to Anti-Cosmo.

"Oh." Anti-Cosmo looked at the box. It was his favorite kind, alright. "...Thank you, Cosmo."

It took everything in him to not add "Maybe you're not good for nothing after all," But he didn't say it.

"It's nothing! It's what opposites are for, after all!" Cosmo gave a little wave before running off to join Wanda.

Anti-Cosmo turned the box over in his hand, checking for any traps on the box or poison perhaps coated on the teabags. He had to teach himself how to look for these things.

"Huh. It's perfectly fine." He muttered, putting it in his cart. He had thought of that interaction all day.

Was Cosmo really gaining his trust and friendship over a box of tea? Yes, yes he was. Was Anti-Cosmo mad about it? No, not really.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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