About Me: :/

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Hello and welcome to my madness jk jk I love y'all. I'm just very chaotic and hyper af cause I have way too much coffee while at college. Doesn't help there's a coffee shop on main campus where I'm at and there basically everyday after classes. Anyways here's a lil intro of me since I've never done one since I've joined this platform ahahah.

Name: Caitlyn but prefer Katie

Bday: November 25th 2003 (yes I know to others I'm a baby when they see that year)

Fav Colors: Black & Grey (I prefer dark colors mainly)

Age: 19 soon to be 20

Pronouns: She/Her, He/Him, They/Them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Social Media: Snapchat, Instagram, Discord, TikTok

Personality: Shy & quiet at first but once I get used to being around people or know them well be prepared to deal with chaos and hyperactivity from me. I mainly prefer to be alone and keep myself isolated from others. I something struggle to be around people because of past issues I'm still working on. Give me anything sugary and I'll either crash or be hyper as hell. Lol doesn't help I drink coffee daily and at this rate rely on it cause I'm up late studying hours upon end nonstop.



- candy (mainly I like to eat sour candy)

- sleeping (wake me and you'll deal with a demon)


- Collecting music

- I like to collect certain plushies that I like or of animals I like

- I love to eat chips (Plain potato chips or my go to Sea Salt & Vinegar chips)

- I love coffee (Iced Caramel Macchiato is my go to coffee)

- Harry Potter

- Twilight

- Basically any type of horror film (I'll laugh instead of being scared. I worked as a scare actor for 2 years and enjoyed scaring the hell out of people)

- My collection of hoodies (I have a variety of hoodies that range from many different designs and pictures on them)

- ATEEZ (Respect Captain Hongjoong or I'll feed you to the sharks)

- Snacks, snacks, snacks

- My photo-card collection


- Sing/Dance/Rap (play a song I love and I'll start to throw it back :?)

- American Football (I'm a pittsburgh fan)

- Get me boba and I'll love you


- My family (They're toxic, controlling, & ab*s*ve)

- Toxic people

- Math (I despise this school subject with a burning passion)

- Getting woken up (I love my sleep)

- Eat my snacks you'll be 6 feet under

- Going through my personal stuff being sneaky (I will not hesitate to beat tf out of you if I catch you doing this)

- Yelling, fighting, arguing

- Certain loud noises (I had a surgery with my ears as a kid and it got messed up. So I'm sensitive to certain noises)

- Bugs (I fucking hate certain insects & animals with a burning passion)

- Heights (I'm absolutely terrified of heights. I almost fell off a roof as a kid)

- Small spaces (I can handle some but others I will go into panic)

- Getting judged/ shamed by people for things I didn't even do

- Certain music song/artists (I'm sorry to those who I offend with this. I just have a very weird taste of music cause I moved around so much as a kid with my mum. So certain music songs I don't like and certain artists as well)

- Loosing something important or something I like (I'm prone to loosing stuff and never end up being to find it ever again)

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