Chapter 6 : Reunited

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"Uhmm, Patrick you can drop me here" I said while I saw a mall and I remember that I need a new phone "What do you want to do?" He asked, still not stop the car "Oh Patrick, I have enough today. Can you just let mecalm myself before I do anything stupid?" I said and sigh "But it's already--" "It's 7 PM, I can take care of myself. I promise." I said as calm as I can. He stop the car and I jumped out, not even say goodbye or kiss him. I walked away without look behind. Oh sorry my Patrick. I still love you. Really.
I buy a new phone and pull out Kennedy's number from my wallet. I dialed it "Hey Ken, can I come over? Or can you pick me up?" He said yes and I told him where I am. In 20 minutes he already there "Hey there. Come on, it's getting late." I get in his car and he drives to his house. "I want group chat! Let me in into the group chat!" I said as soon as we arrived. "Alright alright, calm down. Uhmm, why you want me to pick you up? I thought you already in relationship with that Patrick, there's so much gossips of you guys" what?really? I don't give a damn about gossip, I google-ing my name and there's a suggestion "Virginia and Patrick Stump" wow, they even know my name. Oh right, Patrick is a famous rock star. "Do you have Mr. Way or Mikey number?" I asked Kennedy, and not answering his question. "Yes, yes I have" I added everyone in my contacts except my family. Oh that game, it's still 11 months and God knows how much days left. 

Virginia : "Hey there! Mommy's back"
Arfin : "Oh shit mom. I missed you so much. Where were you?"
Virginia : "I broke my phone and I just got a new one now"
Calvin : "I'm in Japan now. Anyone?"
Virginia : "Naah, I'm in Chicago with Kennedy"

I lock my phone and look at Kennedy who watch TV soooo serious. "What?" He asked when he knows I'm watching him "I know you're in trouble. Just tell me or I will kill you now" he said and give me I'm-being-extreamly-serious-now look. "Whoaa, okay okay. You right, I'm in relationship with that Patrick" I stared my story and Kennedy being himself, he always cut me off when he didn't understand the story "Since when?" He asked "Since this morning" he nod his head, signaling me to continue "Well, you already kniw how I met him. Today, I was met with his friends. The rest of fall out boy. And also I met Meagan and Saint, but--" he raise his one hand "Who's Meagan and Saint?" "Meagan is Pete's girlfriend and Saint is their son. Can I continue?" He nod "And there's Elisa too. You know, Patrick's ex. She seems like didn't like me even she slapped me so hard. And she told me to stay away from 'her Patrick'" I said and make a stupid quote air mark with both of my hands "And the worse part is?" He asked "And the worse part is, I think Patrick's lying to me" Kennedy give me a confuse look "Well, he told me that they're just break up, that's mean they were just break up that day, right?" He nod "And Meagan said that they were broke up about 6 months or 5 months ago" He nod again "But Elisa said they were broke up 3 months ago and they're getting back. I don't know who is right. What do you think?" I look at Kennedy and he still at his stupid look "Hmm, that's complicated" he said and touch his chin "Yes it is. You know, life is simple but love makes it complicated" he nod in agreement "Anyway, what about that whole 'Angle thing'?" I asked him, and totally won't talk about my problems.
Kennedy was fall in love with a girl named Angle Byrne, even he still in love with her now "Yeah you know, I still try to make things work with her" He said. We talked about anything and everything like we used to be, he's my safe place to tell secrets, solve problems, and he can make me comfortable. But don't get us wrong, we really really do not love each other, I mean we love each other as a best friends or a talk buddy. We love this condition. We won't change it.
"It's already 11, I must be home" I said, remember my promise to Patrick that I will always be home at 11 if he's not with me. I am a good girl, ain't I? "Alright, let me drive you home" He said and I nod.
"Promise me we'll watch Spongebob Squarepants The Movie again one day when you're not busy" He said while we're already in front of my house "Of course. I mean, why not? That's great" I said and kiss his cheek "Goodnight, brother" I said and get out of his car. I go inside my house and it's not locked, I asume Patrick's here. "Patrick?" I called him "Wherr were you?" He said, he hold a bottle of alcohol in his hand, I don't know what is it because I don't have interest in alcohol. "Outside, clear my mind. You know. Why you're drunk again Patrick?" I said and try to help him walk to my room "Oh really? Go out with your beloved boyfriend? Why you don't tell me that you have a boyfriend? You cheated on me, or on him. Whatever. It's just a day and we've already got a lot of troubles! I should know from the start, you cause so many troubles!" He's totally drunk "What do you mean?" I asked, try to not crying "Still feel innocent?" He pulk out his phone and show me myself and Kennedy. Outside the mall. Hugging. What? I'm just hugging my best friend, is it wrong? What's going on with this man? "Elisa send me this. And she's right, I choose a wrong girl. You just stupid little bicth! I shouldn't choose you anyway!" He scream and throw a bottle to my direction, but I have high reflect move. The bottle hit the wall right behind me. That's just an alcohol talk, don't believe it. I try to make myself believe. But people always said the right things when they're drunk. I can't handle it, I cry in front of him, still froze and can't move at all "Yes, cry. That's the only thing you can do, right?" He said again. "You need to sleep" I whisper and walk out from my room to my living room. I go to the group chat.

Virginia : "A hard day here"
Calvin : "What happened?"
Virginia : "Long story"
Calvin : "I have time"
Arfin : "Me too"

Oh that twin always make me smile. I told them about what's going on. It's already 3 am and suddenly there's an incoming call from Calvin "Oh hey" I said, almost whisper. I'm afraid Patrick will woke up and hit me. "It's in the middle of day here. What's about there? I hope I'm not bothering you" he said, oh right there's a big time  difference between here and Japan. "It's actually 3 in the morning, but it's fine. How are you?" I said "I'm fine. How about you? Did he hurt you?" Of course I didn't told them that ge tried to hit me with empty bottle "Nah, he's so kind, even when he's drunk" I lied "Hmm, alright. As your bestfriend, I think you two should talk like as soon as possible, don't let anything gets worse. You need to listen to whole of his story, and you should tell him about yours. I mean all of your story, there's nothing you should hide from your boyfriend" I nod even though he can't see me. We talked for about an hour, he gave me brilliant advices which I would like to do when Patrick's sober up. Calvin told me to help him get rid of his bad habits like drink and getting drunk. "You need to sleep" he said after I yawn so many time "I guess. Good afternoon there" I said "And goodnight there" he said and hung up.
I got up from the couch and walk to another room but when I'm about to walk, I see Patrick right behind me. And I feel scared. I never feel scared even when we first met and he's totally drunk. I'm scared he will hit me again, and this time my reflect move didn't work. Oh please be sober, Trick. "I'm sorry" he said and hug me tight. It took a second to think and hug him back "I've heard enough. I'm sorry" he said again, and not breaking the hug. "It's fine, I'm okay" I said and smile. "I just need you to explain something, Trick" I said "Why don't we just sleep, you look so tired" he said "but--" he put his index finger on my lips to make me shut up. "Get some sleep" he said and kiss my forehead. We sleep on a same bed, he hug me tight like won't let me go even for a second, he kiss my forehead repeatedly like it's his way to apology.

But he don't want talk about him and Elisa. And I know, I really know, he lied.

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