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(Xavier's POV)

I scroll down to the next video. While I'm watching, I hear Em groan and moan.

"It's not that loud," I tell her.

"Shut up, Xavier," she mumbles into her pillow before extending her leg and kicking me off the bed. I land on the floor with a thud. "Wait. Xavier?"

When I get up and back into the bed Em's eyes are wide and her head is lifted off her pillow. She's laying on her stomach.

"Surprise," I sarcastically say.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asks.

"I took you home yesterday. You were drunk and your mom let me stay over," I explain.

"You took me home?"

"No, Emilia. My car is just casually parked in your driveway."

"Stop with the fucking sarcasm. It is too damn early for you to already be giving me a headache." She's grabbing my face and squishing it between her hands. She swings her blanket over herself and climbs out of the bed.

"You know what's so funny about you sassing my right now?" I ask.

She digs through her drawers and picks out a few clothes. "Ugh, what?"

"That you were all over me yesterday."

"Huh?" Man, is this girl slow.

"Yesterday. When you told me to kiss you," I try to remind her.

"You wish. I'd never kiss you."

"Alright." I shrug. "If you don't remember just say that, Em. But I know for a fact that when you bumped into me you demanded I kiss you."

She turns to me. "What? Even if I did you didn't agree, right?" I shrug using my face. "Why would I do that though?"

"Do what, kiss me? Or ask me if you could kiss me?" I ask.

"Do what, kiss me?" she mocks. "Why did you agree to kiss me?"

"Kiss you?"

"Yes, kiss me."

"Say less."

She fakes a gag. "Your pretty fucking disgusting. Get out of my house."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I said so and I need to shower. Plus, you don't have any reason to be here anymore."

"Alright, fine. I'll just get going then," I lie.

"Good." She goes into the bathroom with her clothes. I use this as an opportunity to slip out of the room and head downstairs.

"Hey, Ms. West. Good morning!" I say.

"We'll, aren't you a little ray of sunshine. Come, sit," she says. She gestures to a table where a stack of pancakes and glasses of orange juice are neatly set. Emilia's sister, Abby, enters the kitchen just as I take a seat.

"Morning, ma," she greets. When she sees me she stops in her tracks. "Woah, when did you get here?"

"Last night," I reply. "I stayed over because your bitchy sister got drunk and I had to drive her over."

"Watch your language. You may be a guest but that does not exclude you from simple house rules."

"You're such a goody two shoes, Abby."

Her mom comes back to where the table is. "I see you guys are talking. Hopefully you both slept well," she says as she sets syrup onto the table.

"Where's Emilia? Is she awake?" She turns to me.

"Yeah, she's just showering. I think she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today though."

"She always in a 'tude. It's really nothing new," her mom says.

"Oh, okay."


(Emilia's POV)

"Yes. Fuck! Oh my god! Right there! You're so close!" I yell.

"Here?" Xavier asks.

"Oh my god, Xavier! Yes!" I yell again.

He grabs his keys from where I've been pointing this entire time. I push myself off the door frame where I had my arms crossed. "Now, are you going to have trouble finding the door, too?"

"Actually." Holy cow my mom pops out of nowhere. "You're going with him."

"Haha, good one mom." Wait, is she- is she not joking? "Shut up. You're serious?"

"Very. And if you ever tell me to shut up again I will put you 6ft under," she threatens.

"Mom, why? Just why?"

"Well, I need both of you out of the house so Abby and I can get some planning done."

"Planning? What for?" Xavier asks. Doesn't he C that this is an A B conversation? Man needs to C his way out.

"Nothing that concerns you two. Just stay out of the house and be back by 5. Alright? Alright," mom says.

"But how will I get back? I'm not staying at his house," I say.

"Strange you think I'd let you," Xavier chimes in again.

"Your boy toy will drive you back home so we can have dinner with him and his father."

"Jeez, mom. I get you wanna show some gratitude for this whatever he may be taking me last night. But don't you thing this is taking it a bit far?" I ask.

"This is more than a thanks. Now get going."

I mope out the door and Xavier follows me. "I'm not sure why you're walking ahead of me if you don't even know where my car is."

"Probably in the fucking driveway. Ill know it when I see it. I bet it's some really big ugly car."

"It's not," he says. Lies. All lies-

We make it to the driveway and I immediately notice his gorgeous black car. I walk around to the other side and open the door. When I get inside it looks even better than I could imagine. Id cruise around in this all day, honestly.

"Thanks. I like the car a lot too," this bitch says out of nowhere.


"You're practically drooling."

"I'm not drooling, unless it's food." Or hot guys. I drool over hot guys.

DevineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora