swarmed || yeonbin

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genre ; angst 🌧️ / fluff ☁️

a/n: a short drabble that came to my mind..

soobin was walking around a popular shopping joint in seoul with yeonjun. the group was on a week break after their amazing efforts on their recent concert. they didn't have bodyguards since yeonjun insisted they would be okay since 'moas understand their personal space', so instead they had hats, hoodies, and masks on to keep them anonymous to their fans that could be lurking around.

soobin hadn't bought anything yet, but yeonjuns hands were filled with bags from expensive brands.

"ooh soobin! i'm going to grab a pretzel real quick! stay over here."

yeonjun said, before running off to a stand in the middle of the mall and hopping in line, leaving soobin standing in the middle of the mall, scrolling on his phone.

he hummed a toon to himself, listening to the music playing in his ears. when all of a sudden, someone nudged his shoulder, causing his hoodie and hat to fall backwards. "oh shit."  he cursed, covering his hair and face and swiftly picking up his hat and hoodie. thankfully, no one saw him-

"oh my god!! soobin!" a high pitched voice called from in front of him.

he froze, looking up to see a girl standing in front of him with a phone pointing at him, seeming to be recording him.

"are you soobin?!" she exclaimed, causing more people to run towards the two, getting closer to soobin.

"uhm.. yes, hi moas!.." he waved, backing up as the fans continued to invade his space. he kept back stepping, until eventually bumping into someone which knocked his airpods out of his ears and onto the floor. "oh- sorry-" soobin's eyes widened as he turned around, he was surrounded. there were fans all around him, not giving him an exit as he was swarmed by all of them.

he loved his fans, of course he did! with his whole heart. but this was to much.

"soobin!! i love you!"

"soobin look here!"

"i love you soobin!"

chants and screams were filling the mall, causing soobin to panic with all of the commotion. he barely had space to even move, moas reaching their hands out and grabbing onto his sweater.

"please let go-" he pleaded, but they didn't listen. he couldn't touch his fans, not wanting scandal about him mistreating his beloved fans. one even grabbed his hat off of his head and screamed with joy as others around her were fighting over it.

"moas! please don't fight!" he shouted, though they still didn't listen.

his heart started to pound feeling tons of intruding hands touch and grab onto him. he felt disgusted, scared, and violated. screaming filled his ears, which was almost making him deaf. camera shutters and flashes went off numerous times, blinding him.

he needed yeonjun. he needed his hyung to help him. even though he always tried to take care of himself and the younger members so yeonjun didn't feel pressured as the eldest, there were times where he couldn't. and these were when he needed yeonjun.

'yeonjun hyung.. please help me.'

he begged in his mind. it clicked in his mind that yeonjun probably couldn't get through the baracde of fans, so he put up all his might, beginning to walk through the fans, keeping his hands close to his chest and trying to ignore the different hands roaming his clothing and the bright flash in his eyes form the multiple cellphones and cameras whilst he marched through.

the air was congested, he couldn't breathe with all of the noises, mixed with the faint music of the mall in the background.

soobin ended up tripping over the shopping bags and shoes, handing onto his knees and forearms.

'ow- shit-'

he cursed, trying to get back up but fans were pulling his hoodies in different directions and ways which made it nearly impossible.

"soobin oppa!!"

he shut his eyes tightly, covering his ears and trying to keep his tears inside.

what after seemed like an eternity, shuffling and yelling came from a familiar voice.

"move! please move moas!"

'yeonjun hyung?!..'

soobin lifted his head up, uncovering his ears and turning his head to see the black haired other helping him up. soobin couldn't make out why he wasn't wearing his hat anymore, but he assumed it also got snatched by a fan.

"it's okay soobin, i've got you." yeonjun reassured. he was always more strong than soobin, he easily passed through the moas whilst muttering apologies that probably weren't even heard.

yeonjun covered soobin's face with the inside of his black jacket, blocking the flash that could potentially  blind soobin.

eventually, a breeze rushed over soobin's face, signaling they were outside the mall.

"hyung.." he lifted his head up, clinging onto yeonjun as his knees buckled.

"i've got you, don't worry soobin, okay? let's get to our car." yeonjun hurried soobin to the car, getting him in the backseat with him in their black car and hugging him close.

"they grabbed me hyung, i thought they were going to hurt me!.." soobin shook in yeonjuns arms, head resting on his shoulder. his hands shook, his legs were shaking, every part of his body was shaking.

"i won't let them hurt you, okay soobin?" yeonjun whispered in the youngers ear, "hyung won't let them hurt you."

the two hugged for a while, trying to calm down soobin.

"you okay now, bin?" yeonjun asked, caressing the back of soobin's neck.

soobin nodded.

"i'm so sorry. this is all my fault. i shouldn't have let us go out without bodyguards." yeonjun apologized.

"okay, you can stay back here and rest and i'll drive back to the dorms, okay?" yeonjun told him, squeezing soobin gently one more time before hopping over the console and into the drivers seat, grabbing the car keys out of his pocket and starting the car.

"don't make us crash, hyung." soobin joked, wiping his eyes and fastening his seatbelt.

"ya! i won't crash!" yeonjun scoffed, beginning to drive out of the parking lot.

i hope this is a little lesson to leave idols be if you see them in public. they are humans like us and deserve the same respect we should be giving each other around us. 🤍

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