friendship or something more🤔😉

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He was a typical Delhi boy.

whose day starts with aloo Ke paratha and ends with dal makhani and naan.

enjoying his life to the fullest

she was a Marathi sweetheart.

embracing her culture and traditions with utmost dedication and care

carrying the burden of the responsibilities with such grace

that they never seemed heavy to the outer world

and a smile so infectious that it would blossom everybody's day.

Both having their own demons to carry.

While one was a famous YouTuber, other a renowned actress.

Never in their life, would they have crossed paths.

But life has its own way of doing things.

Brought together by the threads of fate.

something magical awaiting for them

Their first meet and the rest were history.

From hating each other, thinking they will never even look at each other's face.

to being each other's comfort zone.

the time spent together.

the laughter and joy that they both had shared. 

were the memories that both would cherish forever

They call it friendship yet felt jealous.

seeing them with someone else

It was as if feeling rust inside the mouth.

this conflicting emotion

this feeling of jealousy was so stupid as

they never had that right, yet it felt only they should have this right.

it seems as if they should only belong to them and not with somebody else.

From not liking a dish but eating it cause

she made it was something he did unconsciously.

From being protective to taking care

for each other they did everything.

She is so pretty how could she like me,

He is so popular why would he like me.

the lurking insecurities they hide inside the depth of their heart.

yet they named the feeling as friendship.

Maybe it was just friendship or maybe not.

who knows as they never confess

the fear of losing was too strong.

than their need to name this feeling

Many tried hard to break them but

the connection, feeling or fate whatever you name it.

was too strong between them

That it only made them closer

it was as if they were meant to be together.

From fighting because she was ignoring him

To calming down in an instant because she came to cajole him.

Him wondering why it affects him when they fight.

And her wondering why his yelling would hurt her heart and mind so much.

It was as if they knew what was happening.

yet were not ready to accept it.

Their hearts resisted the feelings, but their eyes betrayed them.

but it was not them who was writing their story. 

the thread of their fate was in the hands of destiny.

If it is meant to happen it will happen eventually 

So, let's wait and see what destiny has in its store for them!

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