Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Happy birthday pumpkin" said my father. I blew out my candles and my best friend Dessy gave a single clap. I could tell by the expression on her face she was annoyed and so was I. "Father I'm twenty-one. It's time to hang up the Disney princess cakes and princess balloons. I appreciate it but can I go out and do my own thing with Dessy. You gave me a job at your club as a bartender and waitress. If I'm old enough to work there, I'm old enough to go out and party" I said. "You're right, my baby girl no longer a child but you will always be my little princess. So go make plans with your friends and please be safe. No one night stands" he said. I hugged him tight then he handed me five hundred dollars in one hundred dollar bills. I'm used to him giving me money like this. His club is very successful and he's gambles a lot and always wins big. I kissed his cheek and hugged him tight. Its always been me and my father. I always been daddies little girl. My mom was murdered when I was six years old. Her killer is still at large. I remember sitting in my room having a tea party with my dad and playing princesses while my mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. We then heard glass breaking and my mother scream no before several gun shots were fired. My dad told me stay put but I followed behind him. That's where I saw the kitchen back door broken and my mom laying there in her blood with a shot to the chest and head. I got next to her and kept shaking her body saying she needed to wake up because daddy and I need her. My father broke down that day and it was the first and only time I seen him cry. He didn't cry at her funeral and I know its because he was trying to be strong for the family. My mom was well loved and respected by everyone. Its crazy that someone would come and shoot her. She was a stay at home wife and she was in a book club with the other mother's that lived in our neighborhood. Its how I met Dessy. Our moms were best friends and one day Dessy mom came with Dessy because she fired the nanny for whatever reason. The book club was always hosted at my house. There were no other kids there and I invited Dessy to my room. We started coloring and by the end of the book club I didn't want her to leave. I learned she lived two houses down and we played together everyday. We're step sisters now since her mom and my dad got married when we were thirteen. We learned as we got older the affair was going on for a long time to a point there was a possibility we were blood sisters. A DNA test proved Dessy and I don't share the same father. My dad told me as I got older mom knew about him having an affair but she never knew it was with her best friend. That was the first and only time I was angry with him. He not only cheated on my mother but he was sleeping around with her best friend and she died before she could know the truth. Dessy lives here too, along with her mother. But Dessy mom goes through depression. Most of the time she's locked away in her room. I see how stressful it is on my dad so I always try and be good. Dessy as well. We never gave our parents a hard time. But there are privileges Dessy has that I don't. She's allowed to date and have sex. I'm not allowed to do either. My dad and I never talked about it. Dessy talked to me about sex. She lost her virginity at our senior prom to her boyfriend. They been together since our junior year in high school. He was captain of the football team and she was head cheerleader. They were destined to be together. Sometimes I found it unfair she got to date but my father and her mother respect each other and they respect their step parent role. My dad never crossed boundaries with Dessy and her mom never crossed boundaries with me. Dessy dad died of a heart attack a few days after my mother was murdered. It was good we had each other to lean on during that dark time in our life. My dad gave her five hundred dollars as well then we went upstairs to change. Dessy let me where one of her sexy dresses and I let my dad know we were safe because we were going to his club. Dessy wanted to go there as its the hottest club in town. I also know I be safe as I start working there Monday. I also been there enough times that his staff knows me. Once we arrived the bouncer lick his lips at me. "Happy birthday Emerald" he said smiling. He let us in and as expected the place was turned up. We took a seat at the bar and she ordered us a few shots of tequila. It was strong but I gulped down in one shot. "You sure this your first time drinking? She questioned me while laughing. " Girl I'm sure. You know how father is" I said. After a few shots I was drunk but Dessy and I made our way to the dance floor. We were having a good time and threw my blurred vision I saw a older gentleman staring at me. I gave him a smile then I started dancing with a guy that came up behind me. I was into it then I realized it was the bouncer. He told me he was on break so he thought he give me a birthday dance while he was off the clock. We were having a good time until I was approached by my father. He grabbed my arm and took me away from the crowd. He pulled me into one of unoccupied VIP areas. "What the hell is wrong with you? Tomorrow night he will be your co-worker and you don't fuck where you work. You shouldn't be fucking at all. He's a married man with children. Have some respect for yourself. I didn't raise a slut" my dad said angrily. He stormed away and I began to cry. I tried walking off but I was drunk and fell over. The older guy that was staring at me earlier stepped over the velvet rope and helped me up. "You shouldn't be helping me. I don't want my dad to be upset with me more than what he is" I said. "Your dad was right. You shouldn't have been dancing with the bouncer. You should have been dancing with me but maybe another time. I hear you work here starting tomorrow and I'm a regular. So I guess we will be seeing a lot more of each other Emerald.

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