Down in a hole

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When I fell into a hole filled with waterI woke up.I got out of bed.I grab a towel, take off the pajamas, shower, and wear my school uniform.My mind was not clear yet. I was thinking about the dream I had a few minutes ago. What was it? Was it about a girl or a talking dog?It was about a talking dog.A white husky, his name is Dog.We were walking in a dream. All of a sudden, Dog interrupts our walk and says:Hold up, I'm trying to get my prey. Talking to a dog? That's not prey, is not even an animal, is a plastic cap. Careful, you could choke. No, I won't. And is a prey, and I will catch it.My alarm, oh God. I gotta go to school. I hope something happens that stops me from attending math. That teacher hated me and my older brother, but loved my sister. He knows my mom and will tell her if I'm being lazy. I hate that man. What will he think about my younger sister? He will probably like her, just like everyone does. She and I don't get along; she irritates me, and I bother her too.I grab my bag and go out. It has been raining.Shouldn't the municipal authorities cancel school today? The kids could get sick today. I suppose they don't care about little children's health and prefer to make them learn to force them to work as soon as possible.Oh well, at least my school is close, and I can walk there. There are some potholes that are filled with water. I jump on one, then another, and another. There is a big one, and I will jump into it and return to my house. I will tell my mom that I fell and had to change to my physical education class uniform. The teachers won't like it, but that's ok because I have an excellent excuse: My uniform is wet; I had to change, and I haven't got a thing to wear.I start to run towards the water. I jump into it. Now my shoes are wet, my pants, my shirt. Now, water covers my head. Oh no, this is deeper than expected.Now I'm in trouble.Is this death? Death isn't that scary now that I'm facing it. It is funny how it is; I don't see a grim reaper smiling at me. It's me who is drowning, but I'm at peace. Now I'm 7 or 8 meters deep, and it doesn't seem to be any end to this hole. Maybe it's an aquifer; I heard about them in my geography class. The only I like appart from biology, because I love nature. I want to go to a jungle or the woods. Oh well, none of that is relevant since I'm dying. Water is entering my lungs, and my eyes hurt.I look down and see some light. Could it heaven? No, that is hell. Hell is in the center the earth, close to the parking lot. The Devil lives there; I have read in a Jehovah's Witness pamphlet that God gave hell to his favorite son, who attempted to bring down his tyrannical government. If he is so bad, why would he give his most valued possession to the one who disappointed him most?I think Satan is the eldest child of God, and he gets the best things even when he is naughty.Wait, is my brother Satan? If that is so, who is my older sister? The Holy spirit? And my younger sister is the son, or more accurately, the daughter. I'm certainly not the father, I don't get to be anyone. That is sad, I wish I could be, at least, the Devil, that way I'd have the earth for myself.I'm a human, that's what I am. I keep falling, but rather than falling, I'm being pulled to the light, oh no. Now I'm really scared, but I forgot that I was drowning, can I breathe underwater? I pass out and wake up in a green field. The weather is cold and raining. I need to keep moving. I don't know where I am, but the road is open and there is a world to explore.

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