Chapter 1

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The day started like any other day would as Fairren's alarm went off waking him up out of his sleep as he groans softly but he knew that if he didn't get up his little sister Val would try to walk him up in some creative way. As Fairren got out of bed going into the bathroom so he could take a shower and get dressed meanwhile his Mom was downstairs cooking breakfast for them and Val was there helping her. About 15 minutes later Fairren came walking down the stairs and to the kitchen as his sister gave him a plate of food and then they both started eating. As they both got up to leave for school their mother waved "Love you kids be safe" she spoke in this soft tone. They looked at her "We love you too" they spoke in unison as they paused and looked at each other and laughed a little before walking out the door and proceeded to walk to school. 

Another 15 minutes has gone by before they got to the school and who was waiting for them outside was Amber as She walked over and hugs Fairren then kisses Valerie on the cheek and slides her hand into hers "Good morning knucklehead" she said referring to Fairren "Ya ya good morning to you too." He spoke with a small smile. Val looked at Amber "good morning my firefly." She giggled and Amber smiles "good morning to you too my sweetheart." As the three walked inside the school going over to their lockers to get the stuff they needed. Fairren was the first one done and looks at his best friend and sister "see you guys later." As they waved goodbye to him them all going their separate ways to class.

As Fairren went to class he walked into someone else as he stumbled backwards as looks up and made eye contact with Levi. Levi was known as the troublemaker at school as he paused and watched Fairren "I'm sorry for bumping into you." Fairren spoke quickly then went into his class. After he sat down he didn't know that Levi had the same class as him so after Fairren sat down Levi walked in and sat across from Fairren once again they made eye contact which made Fairren look away rather quickly. 

As the teacher began to talk and teach the lesson of the day Levi looked back at Fairren without looking at him as he leans down and got his sketchbook out and started to draw as he continued to look at the sky then back to drawing. As the class came close to an end Fairren stood up with his stuff and walks to the door and as the bell rang he walked out and went to find his sister and her girlfriend as Levi watched from a distance kinda of curious about him but he wasn't going to do anything irrational.

[5 periods later which makes it 6 period which is lunch]

As now it was lunch time Amber and Val were sitting at a table with their food waiting for Fairren cause if they waited he would have took so long. Fairren made his way over to them and sat down with a smile "hey guys" he gave them a small wave as Amber was impatient and was already eating lunch which was sushi as she took a piece of it in her chopsticks and fed it to Val which made her giggle softly "you are the must cutest girl ever." Amber covers Val's face in kisses which made he turn bright red and Fairren just sighs softly "you're just mad you're single." She laughs as he causally flips her off. They spent most of their lunch laughing and smiling as soon enough the end of lunch came and they went to throw their trash away. As they did throw the trash they ran into the trouble kid they know as Levi. 

They all stared at each other for a few moments before the trio left to get their stuff and went to class which they actually all had together which was fun as they sat together whispering and chattering on what just happened. Fairren looks at the couple "he doesn't seem that bad and plus as far as I know everyone just judges him because of his style." Amber nods slowly "you're right I don't think we should assume he is bad just because he dressed that way after all never judge a book by its cover." They nod as they continued talking while the teacher was teaching "I think we should invite him to lunch some day." Val spoke softly looking at her lover and her brother. Fairren smiles softly "that sounds like a great idea coming from the smartest person I know." As he said it he had to reassure them that he wasn't being sarcastic.

[4 periods later toward the end of school]

As school came to an end they got up and walked to their lockers and grabbed their stuff. "oh hey Amber want to hang out with us we can go to the skating ring." Fairren smiles and she nods slowly. Val ruffles her brother's hair "I promise to not make it a date and make you third wheels on it." She as informed him as he let out a sigh of relief. As they all went home to change into something more comfortable they all met up at the skating rink as they paid for it. They went to sit down and puts on their skates as they slowly got onto the rink. Fairren started to skate as he loves to skate and well Amber had to help his sister because he kept falling and he snickers from a distance. 

Amber held Val's hands "why would you agree to something you can't even do." She looks at her "hey I used to be good at this but it has been a while plus I want you guys to be happy." Fairren skates to her and hugged her causing them to both fall as they laughed. "Well next time it has to be something we all agree on and it has to be with full honesty alright." As the two girls nod in unison. As they got up and started to skate again and not even falling anymore so they just spent their time there having fun with laughs and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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