Shadows of Despair

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In shadows deep, where sorrow's tendrils creep,

I bear a weight that seems impossible to keep.

The chains of pain, depression's cruel embrace,

Have left me longing for a peaceful place.

I'm fed up with this endless, hopeless fight,

As darkness shrouds my days and steals my light.

The world outside, it spins without a care,

While in my heart, despair is all I bear.

Nobody understands this inner strife,

The constant battle just to grasp at life.

I cry for help, but silence fills the air,

It seems like no one's truly aware.

My pain, a silent scream that no one hears,

A torrent of emotions, all my fears.

My health, it teeters on a fragile edge,

But people wait until it's off the ledge.

I long for understanding, for a hand to hold,

To guide me through this darkness, bitter and cold.

But if no one hears this heartfelt plea,

I fear that giving up is all that's left for me.

So let us break this cycle, let us see,

That pain and suffering, they should not be.

Reach out, extend a hand to those in need,

For in compassion, true healing can proceed.

Though the path is steep, and shadows may persist,

Together, we can fight the darkest mist.

Let's not wait until it's all too late,

For love and understanding can change our fate.

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