Chapter 2: Let's just play this game.

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'They want you. But they want Parker too.' Lee tells me on the phone the day after the audition.

This is the most cliche thing ever. Of course they want him as well. Lee told me that the director really wanted us both to audition, so it's not really a surprise. But if it's a romantic show, I wonder why the director would want Parker.... 

 'The director wants to see us in an hour. Can you make it?' He asks me as he pulls me out of my thoughts. 

This would be the perfect moment for Parker to admit that he didn't hate me and he would want to be friends and just start over again. That would the ideal situation. The romantic one, where he writes me an apology letter and gives me flowers as I have to think about forgiving him, but in the end I will forgive him. But that's not the reality.... 

'He could never play anything romantic Lee and you know it... That man is far from the perfect actor for this role. He cannot spell the word romance if his life depends on it. Why this role Lee? Did you pull a trick to get him this role? Why are you this good at your job?' I ask him annoyed as I gather my stuff to leave for the meeting. I already told you this would be my fate... 

'He needs to get rid of his non-family man character. He only played tough roles. The netizens don't like it anymore. He is losing fans over it. I can't let that happen. They need to see a different side of him.' Lee sounds desperate. 'It's not that he is getting married anytime soon. So I have to figure it out in any another way.' 

I know Parker and I are his top clients. I've known Lee long enough to know that he doesn't often worry and that he means it when he says something is needed. He always acted for my benefit, as long as it didn't involve Parker.  He would always listen to my wishes. So for him to practically beg me and put me on a project with Parker is something else.

'Fine, but only because you and I need it too. I am not responsible for the hurt I inflict on him when he gets under my skin with his stupid face.' I tell him.

'My god, Jennie. Thank you so much. I will try to make him behave. Wanna eat some Bulgogi tonight? That's the least I could do.' He asks me.

'God yes. I need some good bulgogi' I laugh. 'And the soju is on you.'

'Deal! I will send you the address, see you at seven.'

With that he hangs up, I get in my car and get on my way to the meeting with the director.

I walk into the building and push the button for the elevator. 

As I get in and turn around I see Parker run over to the elevator. I smile devilish at him and I give him the finger and push the close button as fast as I can. 

'Jennie...' He warns me while the doors close but he is too late. That feels good. Nothing like him to be on time anyway... 

Once I finally reach the right floor I am escorted into the directors room. 

It's the large boarding room and there are already three people. One of them is the director. The assistant director, a lady I don't know but no Parker Hoo. 

"Miss Chang, thank you for coming." Says Bong Joon-ho the director. I make a quick bow before sitting down.

"Thank you for the invite." I tell him as I take a seat. 

There is a knock on the door and with that Parker is led in. 

Sadly I am sat on the side of the table next to Parker as he makes his way over to the chair next to me as he greets everyone like the gentleman he is. 

'Mr. Hoo, thank you for joining.' The director says as Parker sits down next to me but not before he kicks my chair slightly. But clearly on purpose for not waiting for him in the elevator. It only makes me smile. 

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