Chapter 14: The smug one is drooling.

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The next morning I wake up first. My alarm goes off and I put it out as fast as I can. Parker will probably have a headache again, although maybe the painkillers will help with that as well. He has to get used to having a headache all the time with the amount of drinking he does. 

I look at him for some time as he's still asleep. He looks cuter when he doesn't snore. His black hair is messy and hanging on his fore head as I look down to his pink lips.

'What are you doing?' He asks suddenly, which scares me as if he felt me looking at him. He opens his eyes promptly and he looks at me. 

'Nothing, I was just..' I stammer. 'How's your hand?'

I try to divert the attention and look at his wrapped up hand. 

'This? It's nothing.' He says casually. 

'The doctor told us we could rinse it and wrap it up again. There will probably be some blood left  in the bandage after stitching it. Why don't we do that first?' I ask him. 

'I just want to lay in bed some more... Maybe later.' He tells me as he looks at me with his sleepy eyes. His hair is ruffled and he closes his eyes again. But in a few seconds they shoot open again. 

'Where is the border?' He asks me confused. 

'Gone... I had to keep an eye on your hand.' I tell him as I grab my phone and try to change the subject. 'I am making breakfast bibimbap, you want some?' 

'God yes....' He says as he closes his eyes again. 'Although I don't deserve it....' 

'You don't but I am making it anyway...' I confirm. 

'I am not making Lee drop you.... My emotions took over and I should've never said something like that. I can't say anything to change that, but I am sorry, you were right. You deserve so much more than a sorry. I made you feel bad last night and after all that, you are still taking care of me like nothing happened. Nothing I could do will ever be enough to show you how sorry I am for putting you through all this. I am not one to talk about my emotions, I don't know how to.' He admits as he keeps his eyes closed. Feeling like he is too ashamed to look me in the eye while saying this. I advert my eyes from him and look down at my hands that hold my phone. 

'We should talk when we are mad, I don't care if we scream or whisper, but we have to talk it out. The silence treatment isn't the solution. That scares me as much as it scares you, but there isn't any other way to work through these things. I rather get mobbed than talk about issues as it makes me feel vulnerable and it scares me to give someone the power of seeing me like that or knowing that much about me.' Putting the truth out like that feels like a weight lifting off my chest. He can run with it and hurt me or we could do this together. 

'It scares me too, Jennie. I have never done this with anyone. Having my guard up and acting the way I do is all to make sure no one can use things like that against me as I am never vulnerable on purpose. It's been way to long for me to trust anyone like that again. To give someone that power, feels like a leap of faith I haven't taken in a long time. And I am scared of heights, that should tell you how much it scares me to take a leap. If it wasn't for this show that forced us to be together in the most vulnerable way, I would never have that faith. This is a show of faith. My show of faith to you.' He promises me as he looks at me. 

'Okay, this is my show of faith to you.' I tell him as I flip him off with my ring as a show of faith in the form of our beloved action.... flipping each other off.  

'I promise.' He says as he does the same with a smile. This seals the deal like a red string binding us together. Faith... Our show of faith. 

'I promise.' I repeat and nod. 'Now this cook will make a delicious breakfast to seal the deal.' 

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