Chapter 16: Because you make me feel that way.

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Today we need to shoot. Luckily Parker isn't really hungover after last night. His resistance against alcohol is getting better everyday I suppose. 

As Parker still cannot drive due to his hand, I decided to make some breakfast and drive us there. 

As the Ho-Tteok is baking in the pan I am humming along to some music. I make two iced coffee's because I do not know how to make his protein smoothie. I am still in my PJ's as I didn't bother to change. 

I walk upstairs with a plate and an iced coffee. He is still asleep as I walk in. 

As I place the plate and iced coffee on his night stand, I sit down on the bed. 

'Parker...' I whisper. 'Parker....'

'Hmm?' He hums. He sniffs as he smells food in the air, it makes him open his eyes immediately. 'Breakfast.' 

He smiles as he looks from the food to me. 

'I don't know how to make your protein shake, so this is the only option.' I sort of giggle as it makes me nervous. 

'I love Ho-Tteok.' He pushes himself up and hisses as he forgot his hand is still painful. It seems to be a recurring thing ever since he got hurt. Luckily we cleaned it again yesterday and Parker wanted to leave the bandage off. Which is fine since it looked okay, not red anymore. 

'You are not worried, are you?' He asks me with a smirk as my eyes shoot up to his hand. 

'You didn't do that on purpose did you?'  I ask him and narrow my eyes. 

'No, but your reaction is cute.' He states. 

'I am not cute.' I tell him. 

'Eat with me, in bed.' He asks. 

I am contemplating it. I nod and walk down to grab my plate and coffee. As I come back he is still waiting to eat. 

'Go on, eat.' I tell him. 

'You first.' This makes me smile. 

I scoot over to him some more and rest my leg against his. I like it that way. It feels safe. As we are done, I take everything downstairs and clean it up. 

When I come back upstairs, Parker is already dressed in black pants, a black t-shirt with a black bomber jacket over it, but he has no socks or shoes on. His hair is hanging loosely against his forehead. It's kind of messy, but I like his hair down like this. I smile at him as I grab his socks and kneel down in front of his to put them on. 

'Thank you...' He says with a smile. 'For breakfast and helping me out. I appreciate it.' 

'Parker you are not getting weak knees are you?' I joke back. He said that to me before, so this feels like the perfect time. 

He chuckles. 

'You're funny, Jennie.' 

After I put on his shoes, he makes his way downstairs and I change. There is no need for make-up as that will be done there and it's only a car ride. I change in some jeans, boots and a nice blouse with a grey cardigan over it. I put my hair up in a ponytail and make my way downstairs. 

My phone beeps and I look at it. 

'Hey Jennie, wanna grab dinner today? x Jin.' I read. 

'Hey Jin, I am sorry I am shooting today untill late, maybe tomorrow? x Jennie.' 

As he doesn't react right away, I put my phone away and walk over to the kitchen. 

Parker looks up from his laptop. The kitchen island looks more like his office, than anything else. His stuff is always there and whenever he needs to do something, he sits there. Now I know why. 

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