Chapter 3: The ones who want to sleep.

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Today is Sunday which means it is moving day. It's only two weeks... of hell to save my career. 

After I drive to the house of which Lee gave me the address of I open the front door with the key I got. I walk in and take in the static house. It's not really homey, like my own place. But I think this is a back up house or something. It has a big garden with a nice view of Seoul. The huge fence blocks off the road, it is kinda secluded. You would not think this would be here when you drive up to it. 

I look around. It's big but not huge. When you walk in you walk straight into the living room with the kitchen to your left. It is an open kitchen with a kitchen island in the middle. It's an modern kitchen in a dark grey color. A big shiny silver fridge graces the kitchen with a sliver of color. The marble tiles on the floor makes it look expensive. There is a dinner table with six chairs right after the kitchen which separates the kitchen from the living room directly. There is a large light grey L form couch with a huge TV on the wall and a small white coffee table. While sitting on the couch you can look out into the large garden on your right. There is an amazing view of the city of Seoul.

It's all very sleek and cold. Not very warm and welcoming. Every wall in this place is white, with some paintings hanging around it looks less hospital like but still very clean. My home is very different from it. 

Underneath the stairs I hang my coat. As I walk around and head up the marble stairs that's to your right when you come in, I find the master bedroom. Again, white walls. A queen sized bed and two small nightstands made from wood. That's about the only thing of wood around the house. Two smalls lamps are standing on the bedside tables. But again, the view is nice I can see the N Seoul Tower from here. There is a huge dark grey closet across the wall and a door that leads to a bathroom. It's marbled and neat. There is a nice bath, a shower and a large washing table with two mirrors. I walk further down the hallway and open a door to another room. It's an huge office and the room after that is a gym room. There is a lot of workout gear and weights. 

It kinda looks like a bachelor pad. The one you see in the movies, where he finally meets a girl he likes and the place starts to look more homey and livable because she makes it that way. 

Everything is so neat, that it looks like there hasn't been anyone living in this place for years. Like you just bought it and are about to move in. It's not my style, but could be worse. 

I am already taking out my clothes from my bag and into the closet once Parker arrives. His car is loud and recognizable. 

'Honey I am homeee.' Parker yells once he walks into the house and closes the door behind him.

Ugh here we go.

'Jennie?' He asks singsonging. It sounds good, which you would expect from a good looking man who would be a k-popstar, not from Parker. 

'I am in the bedroom, Parker.' I yell back as sweetly as I can.

The bedroom door opens as I hang one of my dresses in the closet. I smile at him.

'Don't call me honey, ever again. I will smother you in your sleep.' I state as I go on with what I was doing.

'You are the most hateful person I ever met. So much hate in such a tiny woman. What is there not to love about me? You are lucky there are no camera's or microphones in the bedroom.' He closes the door behind him and looks around the room.

'If you behaved, I wouldn't have said it.' I smile at him.

'Ahh I see you are sleeping on the floor.' He states with a smirk.

'I am not sleeping with you ever. But there is only one bed and I will not risk you ratting me out to director Soon-Ho for not sleeping in it together. Stay on your side and there will be no problem.' I turn around and walk over to the bed. Expertly I make a border in between the two sides of the bed from the decorative pillows.

'I see you do that all the time. No man in your life, right Jennie.' He laughs as he looks at the border.

'Get lost, Parker.' I bite back. 

'I bet you snore....' He says as he jumps onto the bed. 

'Get out, I am going to sleep.' I tell him softly as I arrived around 10 pm, which makes it half past ten now and we need to learn our lines tomorrow.

'Oh god, you are not of those are you?' He throws his hands up.

'One of what?' I ask him confused.

'The ones who want to sleep at 10 pm and want everyone else to be quiet. I want some friends to come over.' He sighs.

'You need to discuss that with me, Parker. We are living together from now on. This is not your bachelor pad. We have work tomorrow.' I shake my head and sigh. 'Do what you want. I don't care.'

'Fine be like that.' He states and leaves. I sigh and rub my eyes.

'I am gonna smother him in his sleep. Just so you know.' I type at Lee. I hate him so much.

'Precious cargo, don't do it.' He types back.

'I hate you.'

'I know. Goodluck, you can do it Jennie.'

I change into my pj's and grab my book after removing my make-up and brushing my teeth.

In the meanwhile I already hear people coming in. They are loud. Music starts playing and that drowns every voice out. I don't care.

I put in my headphones and try to read. 

After a few chapters, the music is still loud downstairs and apparently the party is not over. I sigh and put my book aside. 

That will be sleeping with my own music in my ears then. 

I stir awake as there is a loud groan. I blink and get up as I pull out one of my headphones. 

'Ahhh... shit....' I hear Parker as he curses in the dark. 

'What are you doing?' I ask him confused, it is dark and I cannot see him. 

'This stupid bed...' He hisses in pain. 

'Go to sleep, you nightmare.' I say annoyed. 'Your stupid party kept me up, this is your punishment.' 

I grab my phone to see it's almost 2 in the middle of the night. 

'Stop talking, you nun.' He throws back as he finally makes his way into the bed. 

He had enough to drink, that's clear by the way he stumbles over to the bed and the delay in his replies. He didn't lose his snide remarks which is too bad. 

He sighs loudly and gets in under the covers. 

'You are so annoying. How do you even think that will work if you are married? It's not like you can just throw a party anytime you want. I am letting it slide because it's our first night together. But you know there are camera's right? Did you have girls over?' I ask him. 

'You are so annoying. Let me live, woman.' He says through gritted teeth. 

'Woman? I have a name, you selfish asshole. I hope you kissed someone and the director sees it. I don't care about what happens with you. If this was real I would've kicked you out of the house right now. You are a shit husband.' I bite at him. 

'I rather get hit by a bus than be married to you. Let that be clear.' He replies. 

'Good...' I say annoyed. 'Now let me sleep, you pain in the ass.' 

With that he is quiet. 

It takes him a few tosses and turns before I think he is asleep. 

I am a little bit over my sleep because of our nice conversation just now. As I am thinking about every romantic way this could've went but then he starts to snore. 

Is this a joke? He said he was sure I would snore, but this man has the audacity to snore himself. 

Should I kick him and tell him to stop? It would only wake him up, make him mad and pick a fight with me again. He is a mean, sharp tongue drunk. Just like he is when he is sober, but a little more mad. 

Let's leave him for now, he will have enough problems in the morning. 

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