Chapter 1

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🌑 - SKEPTIC - 🌑


A girl in Blair's class screamed as their teacher threw something like a black string of paper at her. Blair only shook her head and laughed. She had loved the Sanderson Sisters and their story since she was young. However, The new boy diagonal to her, laughed to himself, muttering words under his breath. Max didn't find the story amusing and was ready to leave school and get home. He didn't hate seeing a certain girl at school though, he couldn't lie.

"Gimme a break," Max sighed.

The teacher twisted her head to look at him.

"Aha," She said, frustrated he hadn't been enthused. "We seem to have a skeptic in our midst, Mr. Dennison. Please share with us your Californian, laid back, tie - dyed, point of view."

The boy looked around in amusement.

"Okay," He said with a cocky manor. "Granted that, uh, you guys here in Salem are into all the witchy black cat stuff."

"Stuff?!" The teacher seemed to only grow in her frustration about this new skeptic.

"Everyone here knows," He began, a satisfied look on his face. "That Halloween was invented by the candy companies. It's a conspiracy!"

Their teacher didn't seem too happy about this statement as she searched the room for someone to help her convince this kid. The teacher wasn't the only one a little upset. Blair had been a Halloween fan since she was born, and she wasn't about to let this cute Californian trash her favorite holiday.

"Actually," Blair corrected, causing Max to flip around to look at her. "Everyone here knows that Halloween is from the old tradition of All Hollows Eve. It's the one time a year that the dead can visit the world."

Max seemed to be in a state of shock. He only stared as the entire class burst into applause. Blair tried to ignore his eyes, which were burning a hole in her, as she looked around at everyone congratulating her. Max turned back around to Blair's relief and began to write something down. Before she had a chance to take her eyes off of him, he stood up and turned towards her.

"You have to be joking." Blair cursed in her mind, praying this boy wasn't actually walking towards her.

"Well incase Jimi Hendrix comes back," Max grinned, handing her a piece of paper. "Call me."

Blair couldn't help but blush at his comment. She took the paper, smiling at his grinning face. Everyone in the class started to cheer and "ooh" about this. He was bold, she couldn't lie. It was a nice bold. She liked it. A lot. I mean, sure, he'd been her hallway crush since he got to school, but him being interested in her seemed insane. Sure, a few guys had liked her in the past. She wasn't insanely popular, but not insanely quiet either. Maybe him liking her wasn't too crazy? The bell stopped Blair's train of thought. She hopped up and grabbed her bag. She gave Max one last smile before rushing off.

"Fat chance," Blair heard a boy say as she walked off.

Max stood there, hoping that she'd call. He really wanted to at least get to know the girl. He couldn't stand another day passing by her and only getting a smile. Max grabbed his things before bolting off in the direction Blair left. He was hoping to get out of there quick and maybe just maybe catch another glance at Blair. He spotted her hair in the crowd of people leaving school. He practically chased after her on his bike as she walked into the park, presumably on her way home.

"Blair!" He called, speeding up.

"Hey skeptic," Blair stopped, spinning around to face him. "So you really don't like it here? Is it the leaves or the people?"

"It's just new, I guess," Max shrugged, feeling a little giddy being able to talk freely with her.

"Well," She spoke, excited to finally talk to this mystery boy. "I promise Salem has a bunch of really nice people. You won't be new for too long."

"Oh uh," Max scratched his neck, realizing he forgot to tell her his name. "My names Max. Max Dennison."

"I know, Dennison," Blair giggled at the boys embarrassment. "And by you calling my name, I'm gonna guess you know mine."

"You're kinda hard to not notice," Max shrugged.

"And you're really bold," Blair countered, stepping closer to him.

She handed him a slip of paper before whispering, so only the two could hear, "Trick or treat."

Blair walked off giddy about the whole encounter. She could feel Max's eyes on her as she skipped off. She reached for the piece of paper in her pocket and pulled it out. She stopped cold.

"No way," She grimaced as she opened it.

Her number.

She had given Max Dennison, her hallway crush, his number back. How ridiculous was she. She spun around to run back to Max, but he was gone.

"Shoot!" She exclaimed.

A few kids turned her way and she just shrugged them off. She muttered curses all the way home, still surprised of how absolutely incompetent she was. She could only pray she would see him again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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